Time/Location: Wednesday 7:20-10pm,
Art and Design Building L008
Instructor: Jana Kosecka
Office hours: 2-3pm Wednesday
Contact: Office 4444 Research II, e-mail:
kosecka@gmu.edu, 3-1876
Course web page:http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~kosecka/cs687/
This course will cover several advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence beyond those covered in CS580. These topics will extend existing knowledge about search, machine learning, reasoning and situated action.Topics may include planning, probabilistic reasoning, reinforcement learning, evolutionary computation, neural networks, natural language processing, constraint satisfaction, reactive systems, knowledge-based learning, robotics, vision, emergent behavior, and intelligent multiagent systems. AI is a breadth-oriented field, and the goal of this course is to provide the student with sufficient breadth beyond CS580 to act as a well-versed AI researcher. Informally, CS580 + CS687 typically cover all the topics that might show up on the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam.
The course will comprise of lectures by the instructor, homeworks and presentations of the selected research publications by students. The grade will be based on homeworks and final presentation of the project.
Schedule, Homeworks, HandoutsPrerequisites:
Required Textbook:
Tentative List of Topics:
Machine Learning: Classification
Probabilistic Reasoning, Bayes nets
Hidden Markov Models, Kalman Filters
Markov Decision Processes
Reinforcement Learning
Robotics and Computer Vision
Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Ensemble Learning
Learning Probabilistic Models