CS 990 Dissertation Topic Presentation (1:0:0) (Cross-Listed with IT 990) Prerequisites: Completion of all course requirements for PhD, or permission of instructor.
Students put together a professional presentation of a research proposal and present it for critique to fellow students and interested faculty.
Notes May be repeated with change of research topic, but credit toward doctoral degree is given once.
IT 990 Dissertation Topic Presentation (1:0:0). (Cross-Listed with CS 990) Prerequisites: Completion of all course requirements for PhD, or permission of instructor.
Students put together a professional presentation of a research proposal and present it for critique to fellow students and interested faculty.
Notes May be repeated with change in topic, but degree credit is given only once.
IT 991 Engineer Project Presentation (1:0:0) Prerequisite: completion of all course requirements for the engineer degree in information technology, or permission of instructor. Opportunity for engineer degree students to present project proposal for critique to interested faculty and students. Covers presentation of project topic for engineer degree in information technology, and is required of all engineer degree students. Students complete project proposal. May be repeated with a change in topic, although degree credit is only given once.
"Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis," Joan Bolker, Owl Books; ISBN: 080504891X; (August 1998).
"Writing the Doctoral Dissertation: A Systematic Approach," Gordon B. Davis, Clyde A. Parker, Barrons Educational Series; ISBN: 0812098005; 2nd edition (June 1997).
Class meets:
January 26, 2010: Students introduce themselves, their backgrounds and research interests using 3-5 presentation slides.
March 16, 2010: General discussion of what constitutes a dissertation proposal, initial outline of proposal for each student will be discussed in class. Each student will be given a few minutes to stand up and explain his/her ideas to me and to the class. This will be a very informal discussion. No slides or use of the whiteboard allowed. I will have in hand the three-page abstract you will submit on March 15, 2010 (see Deliverables).
April 20, 27 and possibly, May 4th, 2010: Student presentations of your dissertation proposals.
February 3-5, 2010: Upload slides used in January 26 class to Blackboard Assignments folder.
March 15, 2010: Upload to the Blackboard Assignments folder, a three-page abstract of the proposal including: the title of the proposed dissertation, your name, your advisor's name, and a brief description of 1) the problem you will solve, 2) the methodology you will use, 3) the method you intend to use to validate your claims, and 4 a list of references related to the research topic.
April 13, 2010: Upload to the Blackboard Assignments folder, a written dissertation/engineer project proposal and slides for a 10-minute presentation.