Computer Science 880 / 001
Advanced Metaheuristics
(Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence)
Thursday, 4:30 PM to 7:10 PM, in Room L008 of the Art and Design Building.
Sean Luke.
Permission of the instructor. Ideally you will have previous experience in the topic, or have taken a course covering elementary metaheuristics, evolutionary computation, etc. Some recent courses in thic category include: CS795 (Evolutionary Computation)CS695 (Metaheuristics)CS687 (Advanced AI)CS/IT803 (Evolutionary Computation) CS/IT910 (Natural Computation).
About the Class
This course will cover select advanced topics in metaheuristics, a branch of stochastic optimization which includes evolutionary computation, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, simulated annealing, among others. The course will be project-rich, involve significant readings, and will directly involve access to large cluster machines. A small portion of the course will cover review of basic algorithms; then the course will turn to various advanced algorithms; and cumulate in student projects and presentations.
Course Web Page
Grading will be largely based on intermediate and final projects.
Honor Code
The class enforces the GMU Honor Code, and to the more specific honor code policy special to the Department of Computer Science. You will be expected to adhere to this code and policy.
If you have a documented learning disability or other condition which may affect academic performance, make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services and come talk to me about accommodations.