CS 752 - Interactive Graphics Software - Spring 2014
Class | 7:20 pm - 10:00 pm | R | University Hall 1203 | Jan 21, 2014 - May 14, 2014 | Lecture | Jim X Chen |
Description | Grading | Syllabus | References
Office: EngineeringBuilding, Room 4446
Course office hour: TR 4:30-5:30pm or by appointment
Phone: (703) 993-1720
CS 752 is a 3-credit advanced graphics course with prerequisite CS 551 (formerly CS 652). If you took CS 451 before and would like to take CS 752, you may talk to the instructor to get his permission under certain restrictions. Topics are selected from shaders, visualization, modeling, rendering, animation, simulation, virtual reality, and current graphics software tools. Emphasis will be on software methods and current research topics. Students are encouraged to introduce interesting materials and new topics for class projects and discussions.
There are all together 100 points:
A project and presentation (70 points)
Class participation,
homework, and quizzes (30 points)
Your overall course score, S, will be the sum of these points.
A: S is at least 90 points
A-: S is at least 85 (and less than 90) points
B+: S is at least 80 (and less than 85) points
B: S is at least 75 (and less than 80) points
C: S is at least 60 (and less than 75) points
F: S is less than 60 points
Class participation is very important. Active participation will be rewarded with extra points toward your score S.
If there is an accident or emergency and you let me know, I will consider it accordingly.
SYLLABUS: (tentative)
1. Introduction (a general overview)
1-2. Discussion of topics for project selection of the semester; students are encouraged to introduce interesting materials and topics for class projects and discussions
2-3. Graphics basics and Cg shader programming and applications
4-12. Special topics that include but not limited to the following
3D Math: vectors, planes, curves, surfaces, critical calculations
Visualization Methods: parallel coordinates, multivariate high-dimensional data, cartography, volume rendering, medical imaging
Modeling Techniques: graphics libraries, geometric models, solid modeling, procedural modeling, fractals, particle systems, and physically-based modeling
Animation and Simulation: keyframe approach, image-based and model-based animation, simulation, real-time simulation
Virtual Reality Methods: hardware, software, WorldToolKit, OpenInventor, VRML, Java3D
Low-level Graphics Techniques: scan-conversion, anti-aliasing, and graphics hardware
Advanced Lighting and Rendering Techniques: ray tracing and radiosity
Networked Virtual Environment: DIS, MUVEs, ActiveWorlds
14-15. Project discussions, presentations, and final summary
Jim X. Chen and Chunyang Chen, Foundation of 3D Graphics Programming Using JOGL and Java3D, Second Edition, Springer Verlag.
Graphics related journals and magazines including:
CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Computers and Graphics
Visual Computer
Computer Graphics World
..., etc.
General Course Policies
Policies regarding attendance and participation: if you miss a quiz, you will not receive a grade for that quiz unless you have a serious reason, then you will receive a grade for the quiz according to your final grade.
Policy regarding late assignments, make-up exams, and extra credit: no late assignments, make-up exams, and extra credit in general.
Policy regarding incompletes: no incomplete in general.
Policy on electronic devices (cell phones, pagers, computers, etc.): should be turned off or on silence in class.
University Requirements
Academic Honesty and Honor Code Statement: http://cs.gmu.edu/wiki/pmwiki.php/HonorCode/CSHonorCodePolicies
Disability Statement: http://ods.gmu.edu.
GMU is an Honor Code university; please see the University Catalog for a full description of the code and the honor committee process. The principle of academic integrity is taken very seriously and violations are treated gravely. What does academic integrity mean in this course? Essentially this: when you are responsible for a task, you will perform that task. When you rely on someone else’s work in an aspect of the performance of that task, you will give full credit in the proper, accepted form. Another aspect of academic integrity is the free play of ideas. Vigorous discussion and debate are encouraged in this course, with the firm expectation that all aspects of the class will be conducted with civility and respect for differing ideas, perspectives, and traditions. When in doubt (of any kind) please ask for guidance and clarification.
Students must activate their GMU email accounts to receive important University information, including messages related to this class. You should understand that your emailbox may be full, so check your email and make sure you have enough space daily.
If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS. http://ods.gmu.edu
WRITING CENTER: A114 Robinson Hall; (703) 993-1200; http://writingcenter.gmu.edu
The University Catalog, http://catalog.gmu.edu, is the central resource for university policies affecting student, faculty, and staff conduct in university affairs.