George Mason University
The Volgenau School of Engineering
Department of Computer Science

CS 782 Machine Learning


Meeting time: Wednesday 4:30 pm – 7:10 pm

Meeting location: Art and Design Building L008


Instructor: Dr. Gheorghe Tecuci, Professor of Computer Science

Office hours: Monday 7:20 pm – 8:10 pm and Wednesday 7:20 pm – 8:10 pm
Office: Nguyen Engineering Building 4613
Phone: 703 993 1722
E-mail: tecuci at gmu dot edu


Course Description


Machine Learning is concerned with the development of computer systems that are able to improve their performance at some task by learning from input data, from their own problem solving experience, and/or from a human. This course presents the principles, strategies, major methods, systems, applications, open issues, and research directions in Machine Learning. Covered topics include: Inductive learning, Decision trees learning, Rule induction, Instance-based learning, Bayesian learning, Neural networks, Model ensembles, Support vector machines, Learning apprentices, and Learning theory. The course will also include experimentation with learning systems implementing the methods discussed in class. A major part of this course will involve your development of a research project in an area of interest to you, involving significant outside study and preparation of a presentation (possibly with a demo) to the class.


Detailed lecture notes will be posted before each class meeting.


This course will use Blackboard (see to post lecture notes, papers, assignments, and grades. The students will also submit their assignments through Blackboard. Students have accounts on Blackboard and can download the posted documents by going to and logging in using their Mason ID and passwords.


Grading Policy


The course grade will be computed as follows:

Class participation and assignments: 15%

Midterm exam: 30%

Project 25%

Final exam 30%


MidTermExam Date

Mid-term exam: Wednesday 5 March at 4:30pm      

Final exam: Wednesday 7 May at 4:30pm    


Email Communication

Email to and start the subject of the message with CS782.

Please try to limit the size of the files you are emailing.


GMU Email Accounts

Students must activate their GMU email accounts to receive important University information, including messages related to this class.


Office of Disability Services

If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at (703) 993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the ODS.


Other Useful Campus Resources

Writing Center: A114 Robinson Hall; 703 993 1200;

University Libraries “Ask a Librarian”

Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS):  703  993 2380;


University Policies

The University Catalog,, is the central resource for university policies affecting student, faculty, and staff conduct in university affairs.


Honor Code

You are expected to abide by the GMU honor code. Information on the university honor code can be found at

Additional departmental CS information: