CS 795 Advanced Distributed Systems and Applications

-- Special Topics on Mobile Cloud Computing

Location: Sandbridge Hall 107
Time: Friday 1:30 - 4:15 pm
Instructor: Dr. Songqing Chen
Office: 5319 Engineering Building
Phone: 703-993-3176
E-mail: sqchen AT cs dot gmu dot edu
Office Hours: Friday 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m, or by appointment
Course Homepage: http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~sqchen/courses/CS795S14


This class focuses on the advanced mobile cloud computing, discussing emerging techniques for mobile computing, cloud computing, and the interplay of mobile and cloud computing. The following topics will be covered: fundamentals in mobile computing (e.g., power management, location management, wireless network management, security and privacy); fundamentals in cloud computing (e.g., cloud networking, cloud security, cloud management, cloud middleware, cloud energey management); interplay of mobile and cloud computing (offloading mechanisms, computing offloading, storage agumentation); mobile and cloud computing applications. We are going to study various systems in depth by discussing merits and limits of different systems and conflicts and synergy among different systems.


CS675 or the permission from the intructor.



This is a paper reading based and project-oriented course. Students are required to write brief summary of some discussed papers, to present selected papers, and to complete a self-selected project. Students in this class will experience the entire procedure of identifying a problem, defending her/his proposal, and completing a project. There are no mid-term or final. Your final grade is a combination of the writing (20%), presentation (20%), and project (60%).


You are expected to abide by the University's honor code and the CS Department's Honor Code and Academic Integrity Policies during the semester, i.e., collaboration between students in different groups on an assignment is unacceptable. Any violation of the honor code will result in referral to the honor council with a recommendation that the student be awarded an F for the class.


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Dr. Songqing Chen Dept. of Computer Science George Mason University