This course will cover
essentials of Computer Vision. We will learn basic principles of image
formation, image processing algorithms and different algorithms for
3D reconstruction and recognition from single or multiple
images (video). Aplications to 3D modelling, video analysis,
video surveillance, image based retrieval object recognition and
vision based control will be discussed.
This course is of interest to anyone seeking to process images or camera information, or to acquire a general background in issues related to real-world perception, image processing, object and scene recognition and multi-view geometry.
Grading Homeworks (about every 2 weeks) 40% Exam:
30% Final project: 30%
Prerequisites linear algebra, calculus
Lecture Materials Lecture slides, lecture notes provided by instructor
Recommended Textbooks
[1] Invitation to 3D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models: Y. Ma, S. Soatto, J. Kosecka and S. Sastry web site
[2] Computer Vision: A Modern Approach: D. Forsythe and J. Ponce, Prentice-Hall, 2003
[3] Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision. Sonka, Hlavac, and Boyle. Thomson.
[4] Computer Vision. Ballard and Brown web site
[5] Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications. R. Szeliski, 2010, Springer online version of the book
Required Software
Matlab, OpenCV. Homeworks will require using Matlab and OpenCV. You can buy a student version in Johnson center or use it remotely from ITE labs. OpenCV is an C/C++ open source computer vision library.
Course Outcomes
Basic knowledge of image formation process
Basic knowledge of image processing techniques for color and gray level images: edge detection, corner detection, segmentation
Basics of video processing, motion computation and 3D vision and geometry
Ability to implement basic vision algorithms in Matlab and use OpenCV (open source computer vision library)
Ability to apply the appropriate technique to a problem, write a project report and present the results in class.