George Mason University


CS 471 Operating Systems – Spring 2019

Instructor: Dr. Daniel Barbará


Description: This course covers the principles of operating systems theory and practice. Fundamental concepts such as processes, synchronization, scheduling and memory management will be presented.

Prerequisites: CS 310 and CS 367, or equivalent. A solid background in These pre-requisites imply a solid background, both in programming and in computer architecture. In order to be able to work on the programming projects, the students must be comfortable with the C programming language.

Meeting Times and Locations:


Required Textbook: "Operating System Principles & Practice", by Thomas Anderson and Michael Dahlin ISBN 978-0-9856735-2-9 Recursive Books

Office Hours: : By appointment(Office: Eng. Buldg., Room 4420)


Teaching Assistant (TA): TBA

TA Office Hours:TBA

Course Web Page:

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, you will





No early exams will be given and make-up exams are strongly discouraged.

Homeworks and assignments will be collected on the date indicated in class. Late submissions will be penalized at 15% each day, and will not be allowed after 3 days of the due date.
The Honor Code will be enforced. The students are supposed to work individually on the assignments/projects, unless told otherwise. We reserve the right to use MOSS to detect plagiarism. Violations of GMU Honor Code or a total score of 49 (or less) will result in an F.

No smartphones, or recorders allowed in class. Lectures cannot be recorded without special permission from the instructor

Computer Accounts: All students should have accounts on the central Mason Unix system (also known as and  on IT&E Unix cluster (Instructions and related links are here). Students can  work in  IT&E computer labs  for programming projects during the specified hours.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services (SUB I, Rm. 222; 993-2474; to determine the accommodations you need; and 2) talk with me to discuss your accommodation needs.