An introduction to database management with focus on architecting databases and using them in applications. Topics to be covered include: data modeling with the Entity-Relationship model; the relational model and its formal languages; SQL and application programming and protocols; the theory of database design (plus advanced topoics if time permits).
Wednesday 4:30-7:10 pm
Dr. Amihai Motro
Office: ENG-4415
Telephone: 703-993-1665
Office hours: Wedbesday and Thursday, 3:00-4:00 pm
Two exams (a mid-term and a final) and 7 homework assignments and
projects, most requiring computer work.
The final grade would be based on exams (75%) and homework assignments (25%).
Comprehensive instructor notes ("slides") will be made available. These two books are recommended for further reading:
The first book is required, the second is recommended.