George Mason University 


CS630 - Advanced Algorithms - Spring 2023

M 4:30-7:10, Planetary Hall 129

Prerequisites | Description | Readings | Syllabus | Grading | Late | Dates

TA and Instructions for Mailing List

This page last updated on 1/20/23 

Professor Dana Richards 

703-993-1545 (email should have "CS630" in the subject line

Course office hours: W, 3:00–5:00 or by appt.

Engineering Bldg 5320 


CS583 (and therefore CS310, CS 330 and discrete mathematics OR CS530 and CS531). 


Provides an overview of advanced algorithm design and analysis techniques. Topics include algorithms for hash tables, matrix operations, number theory, string matching, computational geometry, combinatorial optimization, and linear programming; also the areas of NP-completeness and approximation algorithms. 

This course covers those topics in the text not usually discussed in CS583, plus a few other topics.



The material will be drawn from. 

There are more chapters listed here than we will have time to cover.


Exams -- 100%

The two exams, the midterm and the final, each cover about a half of the semester; i.e., the final is not cumulative. 

Of these exams the highest score will count 60% and the lowest 40%. 

Late work and missed exams will not be allowed without an official university excuse. 

The midterm date will be announced; it is tentatively scheduled for March 20. 

The final is scheduled for May 15. 

NO LAPTOPS, etc. (If you NEED a laptop for note-taking then speak to me.)