99% of the purpose of a syllabus is to answer questions you may have about
the class and the class policies. We have turned this into an FAQ-by-topic for that
reason. Feedback appreciated.
General Homework Questions:
What types of homework will there be?
You will have paper-and-pencil homework some weeks and coding
assignments in other weeks. See schedule (on Canvas) for exactly
which when.
Where will I submit homework?
Homework will be submitted to GradeScope.
Will you "drop" one or more homework assignments?
No. This is a senior-level class. No homework can be dropped for
any reason (except emergencies, see questions below in "Homework
Issues and Potential Problems").
Can I work in a group?
Some homework has group options in this class. Those that do will
explicitly state how many people, how grading works, etc. Otherwise
homework is considered individual effort.
Where can I work with my group?
GMU offers several
Collaborative Learning Areas
around campus if you need things like roll-out whiteboards,
LCD wall monitors, movable tables, etc.
Are there any minimum requirements for
programming assignments?
For all coding homework, your programs must compile on Java 1.9
or higher to receive credit. All other requirements will be
specified on a homework-by-homework basis.
Getting Help on Homework:
How can I get help on homework?
Homework help is available in-person before/after class or in office
hours, but the discussion board (Piazza) also gives a way to get
asynchronous help. Don't spend hours banging your head against a wall,
come get help!
Where and when are office hours?
These will be posted on Piazza as a pinned post.
Can I discuss my homework with others?
Unless it's someone in your group for a group homework, no sharing
of code or solutions, and no discussion of problem solutions is
allowed with anyone except the TAs or professors. You may not use the
internet to find, develop, or solicit help for code, assignments,
or any other individual work. See section 4.1 on the Honor Code.
How can I get better at time management so
I'm not doing everything at the last minute?
Instructors can often help with this, but
GMU Learning Services
offers a lot of support options for time management improvement as well.
Whatever you do, don't hide the problem, talk to someone about it!
What can I do to improve my writing skills
(so that I don't lose points on homework or exams)?
We'd recommend working with the
Writing Center.
They also have specific resources to assist with
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Homework Issues and Potential Problems
What if I submit the wrong files electronically?
Just like turning in the wrong homework in-person, turning in
the wrong homework electronically will result in a zero. Just because it's
easy to make a mistake, doesn't mean you shouldn't double check
your submission (in fact, it means the opposite!).
What if I make a "stupid" mistake on
my homework?
It happens, but it also has consequences. To prepare you for the
cautiousness you need when working in a professional environment,
you will not be able to fix anything after submission,
even if it is a simple mistake. That's what the time before
submission is for. Make sure to dedicate specific time to looking
over your work before submission.
What if Canvas or Gradescope is down?
In the rare situation that a website/tool/service is somehow
unavailable or giving an error, you are still responsible for
turning in on time. Just email your submission to your professor before
the deadline and explain what happened.
What if my computer crashes and I lose
my work?
To ensure professional practices in our senior student body,
catastrophic computer failure will not be considered a reason
for an extension. As this is a senior level CS course, you
can practice the professionalism you'll need in the workplace
by backing up your work.
What type of backup should I use?
You can use online services like OneDrive (free to students, see:
https://its.gmu.edu/service/office-365-onedrive/), or
something as simple as emailing things to yourself at the
end of each day, whatever gets the job done!
What if I miss (or will miss) a homework
deadline because of some sort of emergency?
If you need an extension or miss a due date because of a
university-accepted emergency (such as being taken to the
hospital), just notify your professor within 24 hours to make arrangements.
If you can provide documentation of the emergency and your involvement,
we will work out something that makes sense for the situation.
We may elect to "exempt" a missed homework rather than give an
extension under certain circumstances. In this case, other homework
in the same sub-category will gain more weight.
Unfortunately, to ensure the class moves forward for everyone,
failure to follow these policies will result in a zero.
What if I miss a homework deadline
for some other reason?
Missing a homework due date for any non-university-accepted
reason (such as not paying attention to when the due date is),
will result in a zero.
What if I know I will need an extension
in advance?
Extensions require exceptional circumstances (as judged by
your professor) and must be arranged in advance. We don't give
extensions on or after the due day unless you have a
university-accepted emergency. Normal obligations such as family
or friend events, vacations, or other classes are not
exceptional circumstances (unless hospitals are involved!).
Can the TAs give me an extension?
Nope. Just professors. TAs cannot approve late submissions or extensions.