Meeting Time and Location:
M 4:30 pm - 7:15 pm ,Merten Hall 1200
Instructor: Prof.
Daniel Barbará.
Email: dbarbara (at) gmu (dot) edu
Eng. Bldg
Office hour: by appointment
Graduate TA: TBA
Course Home Page
This course covers Generative Models
in Deep Learning
Generative models are one of the most exciting and fast-growing fields in Machine Learning Wired article
In this class we cover their fundamentals, the challenges of training them, and their applications. Topics include:
Prerequisites: CS 688.
No textbook: supporting technical articles
Class Attendance
Required. Please arrive on
time. I
expect to start at 4:30pm sharp; Please participate in class! Ask
questions if
there is something you don't understand.
Grading Policies
End-of-semester numeric scores will be weighted as follows (tentative plan):Lectures cannot be recorded without special permission
Honor Code
You are expected to
abide by
the honor code.
refer to GMU Honor Code.
Any violation of the honor
code will
result in a zero of the assignment/exam, and may result in an F for the