Topics in ML: Deep Learning Generative Models (Spring 2025)

Meeting Time and Location:
M 4:30 pm - 7:15 pm ,Merten Hall 1200

Instructor: Prof. Daniel Barbará.
Email: dbarbara (at) gmu (dot) edu
Office: Eng. Bldg 4420
Office hour: by appointment

Graduate TA: TBA

Course Home Page

This course covers Generative Models in Deep Learning

Generative models are one of the most exciting and fast-growing fields in Machine Learning Wired article

In this class we cover their fundamentals, the challenges of training them, and their applications. Topics include:

Prerequisites: CS 688.

No textbook: supporting technical articles

Class Attendance
Required.  Please arrive on time.  I expect to start at 4:30pm sharp; Please participate in class! Ask questions if there is something you don't understand.

Grading Policies

End-of-semester numeric scores will be weighted as follows (tentative plan):