If you would like to earn up to 2 extra credit points, 
modify the program below so that the void function
that calculates the student's points is a double function that
returns the total points back to main.

To be completely correct, your solution must meet these criteria:

	-It must be sent as a typescript containing source 
	code, compilation and execution to your TA's grading
	account: it10801@mason.gmu.edu for labs 201-203
		 it10802@mason.gmu.edu for labs 204-206

	-It must be well commented.  Add comments to all 
	lines you changed explaining the changes you made.
	-The total points must be printed in the main
	function, not in the CalcPoints function.

	-Since the CalcPoints function now does not need
	the student's name, remove the name as a parameter
	to the function.

	-Sample execution is given below.  Yours must match.

	-You must work on this by yourself.  This is part
	of the test.  Submissions are subject to monitoring
	by the MOSS program and honor code violations will
	be mercilessly prosecuted! TAs may answer general
	questions about concepts, but may not help you with
	the code for this assignment.

	-It is due by midnight the day of your next lab.

All students are encouraged to do this. 

Source code with void function

Sample execution:

>java testsolution

Please enter the student's name: Anne
Please enter the two test scores:
Student: Anne earned 85.85 points.