Practice Quiz

1.	What is Unix?

2.	What is the Unix command to rename the file:
	foo.html	to: goo.html

3.	What is the name of the default directory for web pages?

4.	What would be the command to make this directory readable and
	"openable" by everyone?

5.	How would you move the file goo.html into the web page directory?

6.	What is an Applet?

7.	What is Java?

8.	What is byte code?

9.	What is a cookie?

10.	How would you declare a variable in Java to store an
	average and assign it the value 75.5?

11.	What is the difference between = and ==?

12.	What is the result of the expression: 10 % 3 ?

13.	What are 2 meanings of the operator + ?

14.	Given:
		int number=7;

	What will be printed?

	What if we had written: 

15.	What does the term "platform independent" mean?

16.	What is an algorithm?

17.	Which of the following are legal identifiers in Java?
		my number
	Is Number the same as number?

18.	What are the symbols // and /* ... */ used for?  
	How are they different?

19.	What are the following HTML tags used for?
	<b> ... </b>
	<script> ... </script>

20.	What is pico?