The schedule will be updated throughout the semester as needed.

Week Beginning Description Homework Due - All individual homework is due on Blackboard by the 10PM on Thursday unless otherwise stated.

All Team homework is due in class on Thursday unless otherwise stated.
1/19/2010 - Class  overview, Project overview, Subversion tutorial

- Ch 1: Software engineering overview

- Building a House

Top Jobs
None Ch01.ppt


1/26/2010 - Introduction to UML

- Ch 2: Prescriptive Software Process

- Appendix 1: Class Diagrams

Team: Email me team name, member's names

HW#0  Picture Assignment on Blackboard
HW#1 : Pressman ch 1 exercises: 5, 8, 10



Class Diagrams


We-Grow Descrption
2/2/2010 - Requirements (Pressman Ch5), User Stories, and UML Use Cases 

Alistair Cockburn link

Team: Team Formation

HW#2: Using the generic process framework in section 2.1 (page 31 in the Software Engineering book). Write a process description of your choosing and map your steps to the process framework steps. Pick a process that you can map at least one activity to each generic framework step. Include in your description for each process framework activity, a work task and the work product produced.

Ch 5


2/9/2010 - Pressman: Ch 3: Agile Methods

- Extreme Programming

(Snow canceled classes this week)

HW#3: Create  a class diagram for the Programmer Match system that identifies meaningful classes of objects in that problem domain and relationships among those classes. Do both parts one and two.

Ch 3

Extreme Programming

Agile In Practice

Activity Diagrams
2/16/2010 - Do the planning game

- UML Activity Diagrams

- Begin Ch 6-7

Guest Speaker: Ben Booth - Cancelled

HW#4: Swimlane diagram POSTPONED

Team: SRS

Ch 6-7 - Analysis Modeling

CRC Modeling
CRC ATM Sample
CRC Hangman Sample
2/23/2010 - Pressman: Ch 6-7: Analysis Modeling
       Includes: CRC Modeling, ERD,
       DFD, State Diagrams

- UML: Sequence diagrams
HW#4: Swimlane diagram


- Watch Elluminate lecture on : Software leadership or Refactoring


HW#5: Snowpacalypse update -- these questions are due on Thursday with the midterm (which I don't like), but will help you on the midterm anyway so do them. I have modified them to be a little easier.

1. Explain the differences between the spiral model and the incremental model of software development. Give an example of a project that would be well suited for each model.
2. Provide 3 one reasons you think requirements frequently get added, removed, modified.
3. How do agile approaches attempt to solve the problem of requirements constantly changing?

Software Leadership

Midterm Review


3/16/2010 - Midterm Recap

- Finish software leadership
- Sequence Diagrams

- Pressman Ch 8 and 12: Design

Nothing Due Ch 8 and 12: Design

Sequence Diagrams

- Pressman: Ch 24: Project Management
- Pressman: Ch 27: Project Planning

Team: Design

Essay due this Thursday

Project Management


- Pressman: Ch 17: Testing Strategies

- Pressman: Ch 18: Testing Convential Applications
1. Sequence Diagram:
  • Find a sequence diagram on the web, copy it into your homework (just copy the image, you do not need to redraw it)
  • Explain the scenario depicted briefly (this will be similar to the objective of a use case (1-2 sentences))
  • For each method in each class, write the method name, the collaborators for that method, and a brief sentence describing in english what that method does. (Get this info from the diagram!)
  • NOTE: Pick a diagram with at least two real classes (not actors) that depicts a real process, so your class names should NOT be "class1" or "sample1", etc... Overall you must document at least 5 methods... so make sure in total you end up with at least 5 methods.

2. Draw a state diagram for an automated cookbook built in to a microwave. Decide what capabilities you think it should have.

3. Pressman exercise 7.8

Essay review due this Thursday

Testing Techniques

Unit Testing
4/6/2010 - Project Management Continued (from 3/23)

- Guest speaker Ben Booth (Agile/Scrum)

Team: Prototype UI

Individual: HW#7: Schedule Homework

Agile In Practice

- Pressman: Ch 25: Project and Process Metrics
Team: Test Cases --- can be turned in this week or the next. If you turn it in next week, you won't have ability to revise test cases.(Also your final essay is due that week.)

Individual HW#8: Pressman ch 17: exercises 3, 4

FindBugs ( is a static analysis tool. For this homework, go to the Bug Descriptions on the FindBugs website. Find a bug description that represents a bug that, without using FindBugs, would be considered a runtime problem that could be found using traditional system testing. (Traditional system testing is black-box testing.) For that bug provide the description from the FindBugs website, and your own interpretation of what that means. I only expect one or two sentences here.

Repeat the above process for:
a. A coding or logic problem that could not be found by traditional system testing
b. A performance problem that may or may not be detectable by system testing

Can FindBugs be used instead of testers? Should FindBugs be used at all? Explain.

Ch 25

Cyclomatic Complexity
4/20/2010 Other topics in SWE

- Chapter 28 - Risk Managment
- Refactoring (Maybe)

Team: Test cases (if not turned in earlier)

Individual: Final Essay Revision Due Thursday. No essays will be accepted after this date!

Individual:  HW#9: Pressman ch 25: exercises: 5, 12
Ch 28 - Risk Management


4/27/2010  Team Presentations

Team: Final project including all revised documents and source code (see project description)

Final Review

Final Review Slides
5/4/2010 Makeup classes - Final Review Bonus HW: Doing this will replace a homework grade: JUnit Homework

Individual: Team evaluation and description of lessons learned in the group project.

5/11/2010 FINAL EXAM WEEK Tues. 5/11 12:00-2:00 pm  (Tues/Thurs class)
Tues. 5/11 4:30-6:30 pm  (Thurs class)
Normal classroom