Package sim.portrayal

Interface Constrained

public interface Constrained
A Constrained object has control over how it is moved by a Field Portrayal, notably via MovablePortrayal2D.

Objects which implement this method can:

  • Prevent MovablePortrayal2D or other portrayals from moving the object in the field.
  • Revise the location to which they are being moved (for example, to only allow movement along a vertical line, say).
  • Discover that they're about to be moved and update their internal belief about their location accordingly.

Objects which do NOT implement this interface have no say: MovablePortrayal2D will have FieldPortrayals go directly to their fields and move them about.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    constrainLocation(Object field, Object location)
    Given a field and a proposed location to move the Object to, returns a new location to which the Object should actually be moved, or (optionally) null, which means that the Object should not be moved.
  • Method Details

    • constrainLocation

      Object constrainLocation(Object field, Object location)
      Given a field and a proposed location to move the Object to, returns a new location to which the Object should actually be moved, or (optionally) null, which means that the Object should not be moved.

      • If you are fine with being moved to location, just return location.
      • If you don't want to be moved, return null.
      • If you want to override the proposed location and change it to somewhere else, simply return a revised location.