Package sim.portrayal

Interface Portrayal

All Known Subinterfaces:
Portrayal2D, Portrayal3D
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractShapePortrayal2D, AdjustablePortrayal2D, AxesPortrayal3D, BranchGroupPortrayal3D, CircledPortrayal2D, CircledPortrayal3D, ConePortrayal3D, Continuous3DPortrayal2D, ContinuousPortrayal2D, ContinuousPortrayal3D, CubePortrayal3D, CylinderPortrayal3D, DenseGrid3DPortrayal2D, DenseGridPortrayal2D, FacetedPortrayal2D, FastHexaObjectGridPortrayal2D, FastHexaValueGridPortrayal2D, FastObjectGridPortrayal2D, FastValueGridPortrayal2D, FieldPortrayal2D, FieldPortrayal3D, HexaDenseGridPortrayal2D, HexagonalPortrayal2D, HexaObjectGridPortrayal2D, HexaSparseGridPortrayal2D, HexaValueGridPortrayal2D, ImagePortrayal2D, ImagePortrayal3D, InternalPortrayal2D, LabelledPortrayal2D, LabelledPortrayal3D, LightPortrayal3D, MeshPortrayal, MovablePortrayal2D, NetworkPortrayal2D, ObjectGrid3DPortrayal2D, ObjectGridPortrayal2D, ObjectGridPortrayal3D, OrientedPortrayal2D, OvalPortrayal2D, PrimitivePortrayal3D, QuadPortrayal, RectanglePortrayal2D, Shape3DPortrayal3D, ShapePortrayal2D, SharedPortrayal3D, SimpleEdgePortrayal2D, SimplePortrayal2D, SimplePortrayal3D, SparseFieldPortrayal3D, SparseGrid2DPortrayal3D, SparseGrid3DPortrayal2D, SparseGridPortrayal2D, SparseGridPortrayal3D, SpherePortrayal3D, SwitchedPortrayal3D, TilePortrayal, TrailedPortrayal2D, TransformedPortrayal2D, TransformedPortrayal3D, ValueGrid2DPortrayal3D, ValueGridPortrayal2D, ValueGridPortrayal3D, ValuePortrayal2D, ValuePortrayal3D, VectorPortrayal2D, WireFrameBoxPortrayal3D

public interface Portrayal
A common interface for portrayal classes.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Provide an inspector for an object.
    Returns a static, one-line name for the given object that is useful for a human to distinguish it from other objects.
    Returns a simple, informative one-line description of the current status of the object, which may change at any time to reflect how the object is changing.
    setSelected(LocationWrapper wrapper, boolean selected)
    Change the portrayal state to reflect the fact that you've been selected or not selected.
  • Method Details

    • getInspector

      Inspector getInspector(LocationWrapper wrapper, GUIState state)
      Provide an inspector for an object.
    • getName

      String getName(LocationWrapper wrapper)
      Returns a static, one-line name for the given object that is useful for a human to distinguish it from other objects. A simple default would be just to return "" + object.
    • getStatus

      String getStatus(LocationWrapper wrapper)
      Returns a simple, informative one-line description of the current status of the object, which may change at any time to reflect how the object is changing. A simple default would be just to return getName(wrapper).
    • setSelected

      boolean setSelected(LocationWrapper wrapper, boolean selected)
      Change the portrayal state to reflect the fact that you've been selected or not selected. Always return true, except if you've received a setSelected(true) and in fact do not wish to be selectable, in which case return false in that sole situation.