Package sim.util

package sim.util
  • Class
    Maintains a simple array (objs) of Objects and the number of objects (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).
    Use standard RuntimeExceptions in Java 1.4 now
    A simple class for examining the slots of Maps, Collections, Indexed, and arrays as if the slots were Java Bean Properties.
    Double2D is more or less the same class as java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double, but it is immutable: once the x and y values are set, they cannot be changed (they're final).
    Double3D is more or less the same class as javax.vecmath.Point3d, but it is immutable: once the x and y and z values are set, they cannot be changed (they're final).
    Maintains a simple array (objs) of doubles and the number of doubles (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).
    Implementations of Heap functions in Java.
    A simple interface (simpler than List) for accessing random-access objects without changing their size.
    Int2D is more or less the same class as java.awt.Point, but it is immutable: once the x and y values are set, they cannot be changed (they're final).
    Int3D stores three values (x, y, and z) but it is immutable: once the x and y and z values are set, they cannot be changed (they're final).
    Maintains a simple array (objs) of ints and the number of ints (numObjs) in the array (the array can be bigger than this number).
    Defines an inclusive (closed) interval between two numerical values MIN and MAX.
    An experimental test object for performing assertions which log all location accesses in fields.
    MutableDouble simply holds a double value, which can be changed at any time.
    MutableDouble2D is more or less the same class as java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double, except that it is hash-equivalent to Double2D.
    MutableDouble3D is more or less the same class as javax.vecmath.Point3d, except that it is hash-equivalent to Double3D.
    MutableInt2D is largely a class identical to java.awt.Point, except that it is hash-equivalent to Int2D.
    MutableInt3D stores three values (x, y, and z) and is hash-equivalent to Int3D; except MutableInt3D's values can be modified and Int3D's values cannot.
    MutableNumberND is the top-level abstract class of MASON's 2D and 3D mutable ints and doubles, and is a subclass of NumberND.
    NumberND is the top-level abstract class of MASON's 2D and 3D mutable and immutable ints and doubles.
    A Propertied object is one which provides its own Properties rather than letting SimpleProperties scan the object statically.
    The abstract superclass of Property inspectors.
    A proxiable object is one which provides SimpleProperties with a proxy to stand in for it; that is, to have the proxy's properties inspected instead of the object itself.
    A very simple class for getting and setting object properties.
    Having a value.