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accept(int, Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Called when a Multi receiver receives an offer.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Composer
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
Accepts the resource, which must be a composite Entity, and offers the resources in its storage to downstream receivers.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
Override this as you like.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.If
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Lead
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Lock
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
Offers a resource from a Provider to the Middleman.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiReceiver
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Probe
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Queue
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Offers a resource from a Provider to a Receiver.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Accepts up to CAPACITY of the given resource and places it in the delay, then auto-reschedules the delay if that feature is on.
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Transformer
accept(Provider, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
add(Object, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
add(Object, Double2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
add(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Adds the other CountableResource amount into this one.
add(CountableResource[]) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Adds the other CountableResource amounts into this one.
add(CountableResource, double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Adds *at most* a certain amount of the other CountableResource amount into this one.
add(Parented, boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Adds the object to the graph and indicates whether it should be stepped when Macro is stepped.
add(Resettable) - Method in class sim.des.Reset
add(UncountableResource, double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Adds *at most* a certain amount of the other resource amount into this one.
addProvider(Provider) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Registers a provider with the Extractor.
addProvider(Provider, boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Adds the public (world-facing) provider to the graph and indicates whether it should be stepped when Macro is stepped.
addReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
Registers a receiver.
addReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Registers a receiver with the Provider.
addReceiver(Receiver, boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Adds the public (world-facing) receiver to the graph and indicates whether it should be stepped when Macro is stepped.
attachMacro(Macro, SimpleEdgePortrayal2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.MacroDisplay
autoSchedule(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Source
A convenience method which calls setAutoSchedules(true), then schedules the Source initially on the Schedule using the current rescheduleOrdering.
autoScheduleAt(double) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
A convenience method which calls setAutoSchedules(true), then schedules the BoundedDelay on the Schedule using the current rescheduleOrdering.
autoScheduleAt(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
A convenience method which calls setAutoSchedules(true), then schedules the Source on the Schedule using the current rescheduleOrdering.
autoScheduleNow() - Method in class sim.des.Source
A convenience method which calls setAutoSchedules(true), then schedules the Source on the Schedule using the current rescheduleOrdering.


BAR_WIDTH - Static variable in class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal
barPaint - Variable in class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal
BarPortrayal - Class in sim.des.portrayal
An extension of LabelledPortrayal2D which also draws various current numerical information if the underlying object has implemented ProvidesBarData
BarPortrayal(SimplePortrayal2D, double, double, double, double, Font, int, String, Paint, boolean) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal
bound(double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Bounds the resource to be no more than max and no less than 0.
bound(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Bounds the resource to be no more than max and no less than 0.
bound(double, double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Bounds the resource to be no more than max and no less than min.
bound(double, double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Bounds the resource to be no more than max and no less than min.
BoundedDelay - Class in sim.des
A delay pipeline where all delay amounts must be multiples of integers > 0 and less than or equal to a certain maximum bound, which is equal to a delay step length times the integer multiple.
BoundedDelay(SimState, double, Resource, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.BoundedDelay
Creates a BoundedDelay with a 0 ordering, the given delay time, max delay time, a delay interval of 1, and typical resource.
BoundedDelay(SimState, double, Resource, int, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.BoundedDelay
Creates a BoundedDelay with a 0 ordering, the given max delay time, delay interval, and typical resource.
BoundedDelay(SimState, Resource, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.BoundedDelay
Creates a Delay with a 0 ordering, a delay time of 1.0, max delay time, a delay interval of 1, and typical resource.
BoundedDelay(SimState, Resource, int, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.BoundedDelay
Creates a Delay with a 0 ordering, a delay time of 1.0, max delay time, delay interval, and typical resource.
buildDefaultImagePortrayal(ImageIcon, double) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
buildDefaultImagePortrayal(ImageIcon, double) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Builds an "image portrayal" for the object, if the image path and class have been set.
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Composer
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.If
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Lead
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Lock
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Pool
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Builds the "base portrayal" for the object, if the image path and class haven't been set (and thus the portrayal isn't an ImagePortrayal2D).
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Probe
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Queue
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Transformer
buildDefaultPortrayal(double) - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
buildDelay() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
buildDelay() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
buildDelay() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Builds the delay structure.
buildEntities(double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Builds a single entity, ignoring the amount passed in, by asking the provider to provide it.
buildEntities(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Builds *amt* number of Entities and adds them to the entities list.
buildEntity() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Produces ONE new entity to add to the collection of entities.
buildLead() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
buildPortrayal(Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Called by InternalPortrayal2D to build a new portrayal when called for.
buildResource(double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Builds resource by asking the provider to provide it.
buildResource(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Builds *amt* of Countable or Uncountable Resource and adds it to the resource pool.


callSlackProvider(Provider, Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
CIRCLE_RING_SCALE - Static variable in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
clear() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
clear() - Method in class sim.des.Composer
clear() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Sets the amount to zero.
clear() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
clear() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Removes the Entity's storage.
clear() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
clear() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Clears any current entites and resources ready to be provided.
clear() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Clears the resource.
clear() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Clears all resources currently in the SimpleDelay.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals, because equals(other) tests by pointer rather than value.
Composer - Class in sim.des
A composer composes multiple resources received from a provider into a single Entity to offer to downstream receivers.
Composer(SimState, Entity, Resource[], double[]) - Constructor for class sim.des.Composer
Builds a composer which outputs composite entities of the given type.
connect(Object, Provider, Multi, int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Macro) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Macro, Provider, Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Macro, Provider, Receiver, Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Multi) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Multi, int, Multi, int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Multi, int, Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Multi, int, Receiver, Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Multi, Provider, Receiver, Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Provider) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Provider, Multi, int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Provider, Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connect(Provider, Receiver, Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
connectAll() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
CountableResource - Class in sim.des
A CountableResource is a Resource which can be merged with resources of the same type.
CountableResource() - Constructor for class sim.des.CountableResource
This is solely for the benefit of UncountableResource(UncountableResource)
CountableResource(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns a new kind of CountableResource with a given name, and an initial amount of 0.
CountableResource(String, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns a new kind of CountableResource with a given name, and initial amount.
CountableResource(CountableResource) - Constructor for class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns a CountableResource of the same type, name, and amount as the provided CountableResource.
CountableResource(CountableResource, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns a CountableResource of the same type, name, as the provided CountableResource, but a different amount.


Decomposer - Class in sim.des
A decomposer breaks up a composite Entity and offers its composed elements to receivers.
Decomposer(SimState, Entity) - Constructor for class sim.des.Decomposer
decrease(double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Decreases the amount by the given value: if the value drops to beneath 0, nothing happens and FALSE is returned.
decrease(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
decrement() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Decrements the amount by 1.0: if the value drops to beneath 0, it is set to 0 and FALSE is returned.
DEFAULT_CIRCLE_WIDTH - Static variable in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
DEFAULT_PORTRAYAL_SCALE - Static variable in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
Delay - Class in sim.des
A delay pipeline which allows different submitted elements to have different delay times.
Delay(SimState, double, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Delay
Creates a Delay with a 0 ordering, the given delay time, and typical resource.
Delay(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Delay
Creates a Delay with a 0 ordering, a delay time of 1.0, and typical resource.
DelayedEdgePortrayal - Class in sim.des.portrayal
A subclass of SimpleEdgePortrayal2D which scales the edges appropriately to the receint offers accepted between nodes.
DelayedEdgePortrayal() - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
DelayNode - Class in sim.des
Used by SimpleDelay to store resources along with their timestamps.
DelayNode(Resource, double, Provider) - Constructor for class sim.des.DelayNode
DES2D - Class in sim.des.portrayal
An extension of SpatialNetwork2D meant to make it easy to lay out a DES graph visually.
DES2D(double, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
DESPortrayal - Class in sim.des.portrayal
DESPortrayal() - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
DESPortrayalParameters - Class in sim.des.portrayal
DESPortrayalParameters() - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
divide(int) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Divides the resource into TIMES pieces, including the original.
doubleValue() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
draw(Object, Graphics2D, DrawInfo2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal
draw(Object, Graphics2D, DrawInfo2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
draw(Object, Graphics2D, DrawInfo2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
drop() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Removes all currently available resources.
duplicate() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns a CountableResource of the same type, name, and amount as the provided CountableResource.
duplicate() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Returns a Entity of the same type, name, and amount as the provided Entity.
duplicate() - Method in class sim.des.Money
Copies a money resource from another, including the amount, currency symbol, and type.
duplicate() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Makes an exact copy of this resource.
duplicate() - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Makes an exact copy of this resource
duplicate(int) - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Exactly copies the resource TIMES times.


emptyPaint - Variable in class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal
entities - Variable in class sim.des.Provider
An entity pool available to subclasses.
Entity - Class in sim.des
A subclass that defines Resources which are atomic and cannot be subdivided.
Entity(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.Entity
Creates an Entity of a new, unique type.
Entity(Entity) - Constructor for class sim.des.Entity
Returns a Entity of the same type, name, and amount as the provided Entity.
equals(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Does comparison by pointer, that is, ==.
equalTo(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Does comparison by value, as opposed to equals(...) which does comparison by pointer.
Extractor - Class in sim.des
A subclass of Source which, when stepped, provides resources to Receivers by first requesting them from a Provider via a pull operation (calling provide()).
Extractor(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Extractor
Extractor(SimState, Resource, Provider) - Constructor for class sim.des.Extractor
Builds a source with the given typical resource type and provider.


Filter - Class in sim.des
A convenience superclass for DES objects which accept offers and immediately turn around in zero time and offer them to a single downstream receiver.
Filter(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Filter


getAmount() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
getAmount() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Returns 1.0 always.
getAmount() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Returns the amount of the resource.
getAutoSchedules() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns whether the SimpleDelay schedules itself on the Schedule automatically to handle the next timestep at which a delayed resource will become available.
getAutoSchedules() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns whether the Source reschedules itself automatically using either a deterministic or distribution-based rate scheme.
getAvailable() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Computes the available resources this provider can provide.
getBroker(int, int) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Builds a Middleman from the given provider and receiver ports solely for the purpose of performing a transaction.
getCapacity() - Method in class sim.des.Queue
Returns the maximum available resources that may be aquired by the Queue.
getCapacity() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the maximum available resources that may be built up.
getCapacity() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the maximum available resources that may be built up.
getCirclePaint(int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
getCircleWidth() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
getDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getDataBars() - Method in interface sim.des.ProvidesBarData
getDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
getDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.Source
getDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getDataLabels() - Method in interface sim.des.ProvidesBarData
getDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
getDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.Source
getDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getDataValues() - Method in interface sim.des.ProvidesBarData
getDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
getDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.Source
getDelay(Provider, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
getDelay(Provider, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Returns the appropriate delay value for the given provider and resource amount.
getDelayDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Returns the distribution used to independently select the delay time for each separate incoming resource.
getDelayed() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the AMOUNT of resource currently being delayed.
getDelayedPlusAvailable() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the AMOUNT of resource currently being delayed, plus the current available resources.
getDelayedResources() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
getDelayedResources() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Returns in an array all the Resources currently being delayed and not yet ready to provide, along with their timestamps (when they are due to become available), combined as a DelayNode.
getDelayedResources() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns in an array all the Resources currently being delayed and not yet ready to provide, along with their timestamps (when they are due to become available), combined as a DelayNode.
getDelayInterval() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
getDelayTime() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the delay time.
getDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
getDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Indicates if the portrayal should currently be drawn circled.
getDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getDropsResourcesBeforeUpdate() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns whether available resources are cleared prior to loading new delayed resources during update().
getEdges() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
getEntities() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns in an array all the current Entities the Provider can provide.
getEntity(int) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the available entity with the given number for inspection, but does not remove it from the available pool.
getField() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
getFillPaint() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Returns the fill paint for the underlying default portrayal shape.
getIdleRate() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getImageClass() - Static method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
getImagePath() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Returns the path to the image file, relative to the class file in setImageClass().
getIncludesAvailableResourcesInTotal() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns whether the available resources (no longer in the delay queue) should be included as part of the delay's total resource count for purposes of comparing against its capacity to determine if it's full.
getInfo() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Returns the current info object in the Entity, or null if there is none.
getInfo() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdge
getLastAcceptedOfferReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the receivers for the most recent offers accepted.
getLastAcceptedOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the most recent offers accepted.
getLastAcceptedOfferTime() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the timestamp for the most recent offers accepted.
getLastDelay() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
getLastDelayTime() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
getLastOfferTime() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the timestamp for the most recent offers made.
getLead() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getMakesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getMaximum() - Method in class sim.des.Pool
getMaxThru() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getName() - Method in interface sim.des.Named
Returns the object's name.
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Pool
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Returns the assigned entity name.
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getName() - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
getName(LocationWrapper) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
getName(LocationWrapper) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
getNodes() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DES2D
getNumProviders() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getNumReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getNumResources() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
Returns the number of resources allocated each time
getOfferDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the current offer distribution, or null if none.
getOfferOrder() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getOfferPolicy() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the receiver offer policy
getOfferRate() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getOfferResourceRate() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getOffersAllEntities() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns whether the Provider will, duing offerReceivers(...), attempt to offer every single entity that it has available, until offers start to be refused by downstream receivers.
getOffersImmediately() - Method in class sim.des.Composer
Returns whether the Composer offers Entities immediately in zero time upon accepting the last resource necessary to build them, as opposed to only when it is stepped.
getOffersImmediately() - Method in class sim.des.Queue
Returns whether the Queue offers items immediately upon accepting (when possible) in zero time, as opposed to when it is stepped.
getOffersTakeItOrLeaveIt() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
Always returns true: locks only make take-it-or-leave-it offers
getOffersTakeItOrLeaveIt() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns whether receivers are offered take-it-or-leave-it offers.
getPaint(int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
getPaint(int) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
getParent() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
getParent() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getParent() - Method in interface sim.des.Parented
Returns the object's parent.
getParent() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getParent() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getPartner() - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
getPermittedReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Composer
Returns the full list of legal received resource types.
getPortrayalScale() - Static method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
getPositiveWeight(Object, EdgeDrawInfo2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
getPositiveWeight(Object, EdgeDrawInfo2D) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
getProbe() - Method in class sim.des.Lead
getProduction() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the deterministic production value used to determine how much resource is produced each time the Source decides to produce resources (only when there is no distribution provided).
getProductionDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the distribution used to determine how much resource is produced each time the Source decides to produce resources.
getProvider() - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
getProvider() - Method in class sim.des.Filter
getProvider() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdge
getProvider() - Method in class sim.des.Service
Returns the provider.
getProvider(int) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Returns the Provider corresponding to the given provider port.
getProvider(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Returns the Multi Provider meant to receive the following kind of resource, or null if there isn't one.
getProviderNames() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Returns the names of all providers.
getProviders() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Returns all registered providers.
getProviders() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Returns all providers
getProviders() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getRate() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getRate() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the deterministic rate for producing resources.
getRateDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the distribution used to determine the rate at which the source produces resources.
getReceiver() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdge
getReceiver() - Method in class sim.des.Service
Returns the receiver.
getReceiver(int) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Returns the Receiver corresponding to the given receiver port.
getReceiver(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Returns the Multi Receiver meant to receive the following kind of resource, or null if there isn't one.
getReceiverNames() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Returns the names of all receivers.
getReceiverResourceRate() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
getReceiverResourceRate() - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
getReceiverResourceRate() - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Returns the received (and accepted) resource rate.
getReceiverResourceRate() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Returns all receivers
getReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns all registered receivers.
getRefusesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
getRefusesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Returns whether the receiver currently refuses all offers.
getRefusesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
getRefusesOffers() - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Returns whether the receiver currently refuses all offers.
getRefusesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
getRefusesOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getRequestPolicy() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
getRequestRandomDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Returns the current offer distribution, or null if none.
getRequestTermination() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
getRescheduleOrdering() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the delay ordering.
getRescheduleOrdering() - Method in class sim.des.Source
Returns the reschedule ordering.
getResource() - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
getResource() - Method in class sim.des.Pool
getSize() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
getSize() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
getSize() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the number of items currently being delayed.
getSlackProvider() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the slack provider.
getSlackReceiver() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns the slack receiver.
getState() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
getState() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getState() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getStorage() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Returns the current storage composed in the Entity, or null if there is none.
getStrokePaint() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Returns the stroke paint for the underlying default portrayal shape.
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Returns the stroke width for the underlying default portrayal shape.
getSumOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getSumThru() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getThruRate() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getTimestamp() - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
getTotalAcceptedOfferResource() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
getTotalReceivedResource() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
getTotalReceivedResource() - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
getTotalReceivedResource() - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Returns the total amount of received (and accepted) resource
getTotalReceivedResource() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getType() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Returns the assigned entity type.
getTypicalProvided() - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
Returns null because the Decomposer can provide anything which is packed into the composite entities it receives.
getTypicalProvided() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns the typical kind of resource the Provider provides.
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Composer
Returns NULL because various resource types are received.
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Lead
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
getTypicalReceived() - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Returns the typical kind of resource the receiver can accept.
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
getTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Transformer
getUsesGlobalImageClass() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Returns the class file from which setImagePath(...) defines a path to the image, if any.
getUsesLastDelay() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Sets whether getDelay(...) should simply return the delay time used by the most recent resource added to the Delay.
getUsesLookup() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Returns whether lookup is used.
getUtilizationRate() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
greaterThan(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this CountableResource amount is greater than to the other.
greaterThanOrEqualTo(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this CountableResource amount is greater than or equal to the other.
GUTTER - Static variable in class sim.des.portrayal.BarPortrayal


halve() - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Divides the resource into two pieces: the original resource and a new resource.
hashCode() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Hashes by pointer.
hideAutoSchedules() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
hideAutoSchedules() - Method in class sim.des.Source
hideCapacity() - Method in class sim.des.Queue
hideDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideDataBars() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideDataLabels() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideDataValues() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideDelayedResources() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
hideDelayedResources() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
hideDelayTime() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
hideDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideDrawState() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideEntities() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideFillPaint() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
hideImagePath() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
hideLabel() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideLead() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
hideName() - Method in class sim.des.Macro
hideName() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
hideName() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
hideNumResources() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
hideOfferDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideOfferOrder() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideOfferPolicy() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideOffersImmediately() - Method in class sim.des.Queue
hideOffersTakeItOrLeaveIt() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
hideOffersTakeItOrLeaveIt() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hidePositiveNonNaN() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hidePositiveOrZeroNonNaN() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
hideProbe() - Method in class sim.des.Lead
hideRequestPolicy() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
hideRequestRandomDistribution() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
hideRequestTermination() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
hideRescheduleOrdering() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
hideRescheduleOrdering() - Method in class sim.des.Source
hideStrokePaint() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
hideStrokeWidth() - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
hideTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Lead
hideTypicalReceived() - Method in class sim.des.Probe


If - Class in sim.des
An If conditionally offers received resources to exactly one of N possible receivers depending the value of the selectReceiver(...) method.
If(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.If
increase(double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Increases the amount by the given value: if the value exceeds MAXIMUM_INTEGER, nothing happens and FALSE is returned.
increase(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
increment() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Increments the amount by 1.0.
isComposite() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Returns true if the Entity is composite.
isCountable() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this is NOT an instance of UncountableResource
isCountable() - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns true if this is NOT an instance of UncountableResource
isCumulative() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
isCumulative() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Returns whether the delay is cumulative.
isDead() - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
Returns whether the node has been marked dead.
isOffering() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Returns true if the Provider is currently making an offer to a receiver (this is meant to allow you to check for offer cycles.
isOffering() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Returns true if the Provider is currently making an offer to a receiver (this is meant to allow you to check for offer cycles.
isPartnering() - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
Returns true if the Unlock is currently asking its partner Lock to make a provide(...) request to its provider (if there is one).
isPositiveNonNaN(double) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Tests if val is non-NaN and positive.
isPositiveOrZeroNonNaN(double) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Tests if val is non-NaN and positive or zero.
isProviding() - Method in class sim.des.Filter
Returns true if the Filter is currently making an a provide() call to a provider (this is meant to allow you to check for provision cycles.
isRequesting() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Returns true if the Extractor is currently requesting an offer (this is meant to allow you to check for offer cycles.
isSameType(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Returns true if the two objects are both Entities with the same type.
isUncountable() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this is an instance of UncountableResource
isUncountable() - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns true if this is an instance of UncountableResource


Lead - Class in sim.des
A LEAD is attached between a provider and a receiver somewhere UPSTREAM of its associated PROBE.
lessThan(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this CountableResource amount is less than to the other.
lessThanOrEqualTo(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Returns true if this CountableResource amount is less than or equal to the other.
Lock - Class in sim.des
A Lock locks (seizes, acquires) resources from a pool before permitting resources to pass through it from a provider to its receivers.
Lock(Lock) - Constructor for class sim.des.Lock
Builds a Lock with the same parameters as the provided Lock.
Lock(SimState, Resource, Pool) - Constructor for class sim.des.Lock
Builds a lock attached to the given pool and with 1.0 of the resource acquired each time.
Lock(SimState, Resource, Pool, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Lock
Builds a lock attached to the given pool and with the given amount of resources acquired each time.
lookup(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Looks up a resource, if lookup is presently being used (otherwise issues a RuntimeException).


Macro - Class in sim.des
A Macro encapsulates a subgraph of DES objects.
Macro() - Constructor for class sim.des.Macro
Macro(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.Macro
MacroDisplay - Class in sim.des.portrayal
MacroDisplay(GUIState, int, int, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.MacroDisplay
MAX_DELAY_TRIES - Static variable in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
MAXIMUM_INTEGER - Static variable in class sim.des.CountableResource
This is the largest possible integer that can be held in a double without skipping integers
Middleman - Class in sim.des
An object which is both a Provider and a Receiver.
Middleman(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Middleman
Money - Class in sim.des
A CountableResource with a cute toString() to print it nicely.
Money(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.Money
Produces a unique and new type of money, with an initial amount of 0 and a currency symbol.
Money(String, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.Money
Produces a unique and new type of money, with an initial amount and a currency symbol.
Money(Money) - Constructor for class sim.des.Money
Copies a money resource from another, including the amount, currency symbol, and type.
Money(Money, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Money
Copies a money resource from another, including currency symbol and type, but setting a new amount.
Multi - Class in sim.des
MULTI is a general Steppable object which is meant to enable objects which Provide and Receive multiple channels and multiple resources.
Multi(SimState, Resource[], Resource[]) - Constructor for class sim.des.Multi
Builds a Multi with a set of Receivers and a set of Providers, each with the following typical resources.
Multi.MultiProvider - Class in sim.des
The subclass of Provider used internally by Multi.
Multi.MultiReceiver - Class in sim.des
The subclass of Receiver used internally by Multi.
MultiProvider(SimState, Resource, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.Multi.MultiProvider
MultiReceiver(SimState, Resource, int) - Constructor for class sim.des.Multi.MultiReceiver


Named - Interface in sim.des
A simple interface for objects which have names.


OFFER_ORDER_FIFO - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
First in First Out Offer Order for entities.
OFFER_ORDER_LIFO - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Last in First Out Offer Order for entities.
OFFER_POLICY_BACKWARD - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to the last receiver, then the second to last, and so on, until available resources or receivers are exhausted.
OFFER_POLICY_FORWARD - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to the first receiver, then the second, and so on, until available resources or receivers are exhausted.
OFFER_POLICY_RANDOM - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to only one random receiver, chosen via an offer distribution or, if the offer distribution is null, chosen uniformly.
OFFER_POLICY_ROUND_ROBIN - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to the least recent receiver, then next, and so on, until available resources or receivers are exhausted.
OFFER_POLICY_SELECT - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to only one receiver, chosen via selectReceiver.
OFFER_POLICY_SHUFFLE - Static variable in class sim.des.Provider
Offer Policy: offers are made to the receivers in a randomly shuffled order, until available resources or receivers are exhausted.
offerReceiver(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
offerReceiver(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiProvider
offerReceiver(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Makes an offer of up to the given amount to the given receiver.
offerReceiver(Receiver, Entity) - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiProvider
offerReceiver(Receiver, Entity) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Offers the given entity to the given receiver, returning true if it was accepted.
offerReceivers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Simply calls offerReceivers(receivers).
offerReceivers(int, Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Instructs a Multi provider to make an offer by calling offerReceivers(...) method, and then offer the resource as specified.
offerReceivers(ArrayList<Receiver>) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Makes offers to the receivers according to the current offer policy.
offerReceivers(ArrayList<Receiver>) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
offerReceivers(Resource, double, double) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
offerTransaction(int, int, Middleman, Resource, double, double, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Instructs a Multi to offer a transaction to a Middleman, notionally from the Multi's provider and receiver ports, though they really won't come into it.


Parented - Interface in sim.des
A simple interface for objects which have parents and names
performTransaction(int, int, Provider, Receiver, Resource, double, double, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Received by the Multi when an external Provider and Receiver are asking for a transaction of one resource for another, by building a Middleman to broker with a provider port and receiver port on the Multi, though the ports really won't come into it.
performTransaction(Provider, Receiver, Resource, double, double, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
Received by the Middleman when a Provider and Receiver are asking for a transaction of one resource for another.
Pool - Class in sim.des
A storage for CountableResources (or subclasses such as UncountableResources or Money etc.) with a maximum resource value.
Pool() - Constructor for class sim.des.Pool
Pool(double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Pool
Pool(double, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Pool
Pool(CountableResource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Pool
Pool(CountableResource, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Pool
Probe - Class in sim.des
A Probe can be inserted between a provider and a receiver to gather statistical information such as the number of offers made, the sum total resource flow, mean resource flow, maximum resource offered, and so on.
Probe(SimState) - Constructor for class sim.des.Probe
process(Resource, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
processEntityInfoFor(Entity) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
This is called when the Decomposer breaks apart a composite entity, immediately before extracting the elements in its Storage and offering them to downstream Receivers.
provide(int, Receiver, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Called when a Multi provider receives a request to make an offer.
provide(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
provide(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.If
Returns false always and does nothing: If is push-only.
provide(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Asks the Provider to make a unilateral offer to the given Receiver.
provide(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
provide(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
provide(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiProvider
Routes to Multi.provide(...)
provide(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Asks the Provider to make a unilateral offer of up to the given amount to the given Receiver.
provide(Receiver, double) - Method in class sim.des.Transformer
providePortrayal(Object) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Called by InternalPortrayal2D to provide the portrayal to draw this object.
Provider - Class in sim.des
A provider of resources.
Provider(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Provider
Builds a provider with the given typical resource type.
ProvidesBarData - Interface in sim.des
putCirclePaint(int, Paint) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
putPaint(int, Paint) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
putPaint(int, Paint) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal


Queue - Class in sim.des
A blocking resource queue with a capacity: you can think of Queue as a warehouse with a maximum amount of space.
Queue(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Queue
Builds a queue with the given typical resource type.


Receiver - Interface in sim.des
A receiver of resources.
reduce(double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Subtracts an exact amount from this resource and puts it in a new CountableResource, returning that.
reduce(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Subtracts an exact amount from this resource and puts it in a new Resource, returning that.
reduce(double, double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Subtracts at least a certain amount and at most a certain amount from this resource and puts it in a new Resource, returning that.
reduce(double, double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Subtracts at least a certain amount and at most a certain amount from this resource and puts it in a new Resource, returning that.
remove(Resettable) - Method in class sim.des.Reset
removeProvider(Provider) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Unregisters a provider with the Extractor.
removeReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
removeReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Unregisters a receiver with the Provider.
REQUEST_POLICY_BACKWARD - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
Request Policy: requests are made to the last provider, then the second to last, and so on.
REQUEST_POLICY_FORWARD - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
Request Policy: requests are made to the first provider, then the second, and so on.
REQUEST_POLICY_RANDOM - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
Request Policy: requests are made to only one random provider, chosen via an offer distribution or, if the offer distribution is null, chosen uniformly.
REQUEST_POLICY_SELECT - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
Request Policy: requests are made to only one provider, chosen via selectProvider.
REQUEST_POLICY_SHUFFLE - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
Request Policy: requests are made to the providers in a randomly shuffled order.
REQUEST_TERMINATION_EXHAUST - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
REQUEST_TERMINATION_FAIL - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
REQUEST_TERMINATION_SUCCEED - Static variable in class sim.des.Extractor
requestEntity(Receiver, int) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Asks the Provider to offer to the given receiver entity #entityNumber in its entities list.
requestProvide(int, Provider) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Instructs a Multi receiver to ask some provider to make an offer by calling its provide(...) method.
requestProvide(int, Provider, double) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Instructs a Multi receiver to ask some provider to make an offer by calling its provide(..., atMost) method.
requestProviders(double) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
reset() - Method in class sim.des.Reset
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Pool
Resets the pool's resource to its initial value
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Probe
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
reset(SimState) - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Resets the received (and accepted) resource amount to 0, among other possible things.
reset(SimState) - Method in interface sim.des.Resettable
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
reset(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Reset - Class in sim.des
A simple class to make it easy to reset various objects, typically when start() is called in a model.
Reset(SimState) - Constructor for class sim.des.Reset
Resettable - Interface in sim.des
Things that can be reset.
resource - Variable in class sim.des.Provider
A resource pool available to subclasses.
Resource - Class in sim.des
The top level abstract superclass of things that can be handed from one node to another.
Resource() - Constructor for class sim.des.Resource
Constructs a Resource but does not set the name nor the type.
Resource(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.Resource
Returns a new kind of Resource with a given name, and initial amount.
ResourceEdge - Class in sim.des.portrayal
A subclass of Edge which allows the display and weighting of resources which travel from a provider to a receiver.
ResourceEdge(Object, Provider, Receiver, Object) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdge
ResourceEdge(Provider, Receiver) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdge
ResourceEdgePortrayal - Class in sim.des.portrayal
A subclass of SimpleEdgePortrayal2D which scales the edges appropriately to the receint offers accepted between nodes.
ResourceEdgePortrayal() - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
ResourceEdgePortrayal(boolean) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
ResourceEdgePortrayal(double) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal
ResourceEdgePortrayal(double, boolean) - Constructor for class sim.des.portrayal.ResourceEdgePortrayal


scale(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Multiplies the amount by the given value.
selectedOfferAccepted(Receiver, Resource, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
If the offer policy is OFFER_POLICY_SELECT, then if a receiver accepts an offer of a resource, this method is called, with (a copy of) the original resource, the revised resource after then receiver accepted it.
selectProvider(ArrayList<Provider>) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
If the provider policy is REQUEST_POLICY_SELECT, then when the providers are non-empty, this method will be called to specify which provider should be asked to offer a resource.
selectReceiver(ArrayList<Receiver>, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.If
If the offer policy is OFFER_POLICY_SELECT, then when the receivers are non-empty, this method will be called to specify which receiver should be offered the given resource.
selectReceiver(ArrayList<Receiver>, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
If the offer policy is OFFER_POLICY_SELECT, then when the receivers are non-empty, this method will be called to specify which receiver should be offered the given resource.
Service - Class in sim.des
A simple Macro which consists of a lock (the receiver), a delay, an unlock (the provider), and a Pool shared by the lock and unlock.
Service(SimState, Resource, int, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Service
Creates a service with a brand new pool, initial resources in the pool, and delay time.
Service(SimState, Resource, Pool, double, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Service
Creates a service with the given pool, allocation from the pool, and delay time.
setAmount(double) - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
Sets the amount.
setAmount(double) - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
Sets the amount of the resource.
setAutoSchedules(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets whether the SimpleDelay schedules itself on the Schedule automatically to handle the next timestep at which a delayed resource will become available.
setAutoSchedules(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets whether the Source reschedules itself automatically using either a deterministic or distribution-based rate scheme.
setCapacity(double) - Method in class sim.des.Queue
Set the maximum available resources that may be aquired by the Queue.
setCapacity(double) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Set the maximum available resources that may be built up.
setCapacity(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Set the maximum available resources that may be built up.
setCircleWidth(double) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DelayedEdgePortrayal
setCumulative(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
setCumulative(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Returns whether the delay is cumulative.
setDead(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
Marks a node as dead.
setDelayDistribution(AbstractDistribution) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Sets the distribution used to independently select the delay time for each separate incoming resource.
setDelayInterval(int) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
setDelayTime(double) - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
setDelayTime(double) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Sets the delay time.
setDelayTime(double) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets the delay time.
setDropsResourcesBeforeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets whether available resources are cleared prior to loading new delayed resources during update().
setField(DES2D) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
setFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Sets the fill paint for the underlying default portrayal shape.
setImage(String, boolean) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Sets the path to the image file, relative to the class file in setImageClass().
setImageClass(Class) - Static method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
setIncludesAvailableResourcesInTotal(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets whether the available resources (no longer in the delay queue) should be included as part of the delay's total resource count for purposes of comparing against its capacity to determine if it's full.
setInfo(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Sets the current info object in the Entity, or null if there is none.
setInfoFor(Entity) - Method in class sim.des.Composer
This is called when the Composer constructs a composite entity and now must set its Info object, if there is one.
setLastDelay(double) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
setMakesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
setMaximum(double) - Method in class sim.des.Pool
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
setName(String) - Method in interface sim.des.Named
Sets the object's name.
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Pool
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Resource
setName(String) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
setNumResources(double) - Method in class sim.des.Lock
Sets the number of resources allocated each time
setOfferDistribution(double[]) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Sets the receiver offer policy to OFFER_POLICY_RANDOM, and sets the appropriate distribution for selecting a receiver.
setOfferDistribution(AbstractDiscreteDistribution) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Sets the receiver offer policy to OFFER_POLICY_RANDOM, and sets the appropriate distribution for selecting a receiver.
setOfferOrder(int) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
setOfferPolicy(int) - Method in class sim.des.If
setOfferPolicy(int) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Sets the receiver offer policy.
setOffersAllEntities(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Sets whether the Provider will, duing offerReceivers(...), attempt to offer every single entity that it has available, until offers start to be refused by downstream receivers.
setOffersImmediately(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Composer
Sets whether the Composer offers Entities immediately in zero time upon accepting the last resource necessary to build them, as opposed to only when it is stepped.
setOffersImmediately(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Queue
Sets whether the Queue offers items immediately upon accepting (when possible) in zero time, as opposed to when it is stepped.
setOffersTakeItOrLeaveIt(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Sets whether receivers are offered take-it-or-leave-it offers.
setParent(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
setParent(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
setParent(Object) - Method in interface sim.des.Parented
Sets the object's parent.
setParent(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
setParent(Object) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
setPartner(Lock) - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
setPortrayalScale(double) - Static method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayalParameters
setProduction(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets the deterministic production value used to determine how much resource is produced each time the Source decides to produce resources (only when there is no distribution provided).
setProductionDistribution(AbstractDistribution) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets the distribution used to determine how much resource is produced each time the Source decides to produce resources.
setProvider(Provider) - Method in class sim.des.Filter
setRate(double) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets the deterministic rate for producing resources.
setRateDistribution(AbstractDistribution) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets the distribution used to determine the rate at which the source produces resources.
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Sets whether the receiver currently refuses all offers.
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in interface sim.des.Receiver
Sets whether the receiver currently refuses all offers.
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
setRefusesOffers(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
setRequestDistribution(double[]) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Sets the receiver offer policy to REQUEST_POLICY_RANDOM, and sets the appropriate distribution for selecting a provider.
setRequestDistribution(AbstractDiscreteDistribution) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
Sets the receiver request policy to REQUEST_POLICY_RANDOM, and sets the appropriate distribution for selecting a provider.
setRequestPolicy(int) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
setRequestTermination(int) - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
setRescheduleOrdering(int) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets the delay ordering and clears the delay entirely.
setRescheduleOrdering(int) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Sets the reschedule ordering.
setResource(CountableResource) - Method in class sim.des.Pool
setSlackProvider(Provider) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets the slack provider.
setSlackReceiver(Receiver) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets the slack provider.
setStorage(Resource[]) - Method in class sim.des.Entity
Sets the current storage composed in the Entity, or null if there is none.
setStrokePaint(Paint) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Sets the stroke paint for the underlying default portrayal shape.
setStrokeWidth(double) - Method in class sim.des.portrayal.DESPortrayal
Sets the stroke width for the underlying default portrayal shape.
setUsesLastDelay(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.Delay
Sets whether getDelay(...) should simply return the delay time used by the most recent resource added to the Delay.
setUsesLookup(boolean) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Sets whether lookup is used.
sim.des - package sim.des
sim.des.portrayal - package sim.des.portrayal
SimpleDelay - Class in sim.des
A simple deterministic delay pipeline.
SimpleDelay(SimState, double, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Creates a SimpleDelay with a given delayTime, 0 ordering, and typical resource.
SimpleDelay(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Creates a SimpleDelay with a 0 ordering, a delay time of 1.0, and typical resource.
Sink - Class in sim.des
A Sink accepts all incoming offers of resources matching a given type, then throws them away.
Sink(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Sink
Source - Class in sim.des
A source of resources.
Source(SimState, Resource) - Constructor for class sim.des.Source
Builds a source with the given typical provided resource type.
state - Variable in class sim.des.Multi
state - Variable in class sim.des.Provider
The model.
state - Variable in class sim.des.Sink
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Composer
If stepped, offers the composed entity if it is ready.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
Does nothing.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Macro
Steps all registered objects in turn.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Multi
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Does nothing.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Queue
Upon being stepped, the Queue offers to registered receivers.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Upon being stepped, the Delay calls update() to reap all available resources.
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
step(SimState) - Method in class sim.des.Source
Upon being stepped, the Source updates its resources (potentially building some new ones), then makes offers to registered receivers.


throwCyclicOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
Throws an exception indicating that an offer cycle was detected.
throwCyclicOffers() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that an offer cycle was detected.
throwCyclicPartnering() - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
Throws an exception indicating that a partnering cycle was detected.
throwCyclicProvisions() - Method in class sim.des.Filter
Throws an exception indicating that a provision cycle was detected.
throwDoesNotProvideEntities() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that entities were requested from this Provider, but it does not provide them.
throwInvalidAtLeastAtMost(double, double, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that atLeast and atMost are out of legal bounds.
throwInvalidAtLeastAtMost(double, double, Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Sink
Throws an exception indicating that atLeast and atMost are out of legal bounds.
throwInvalidEntityNumber(int) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that an entity index was requested which cannot be provided.
throwInvalidMinMax() - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that an offer cycle was detected.
throwUnequalReceivedTypeException(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
Throws an exception indicating that the given resource does not match the Provider's typical provided resource.
throwUnequalTypeException(Resource) - Method in class sim.des.Provider
Throws an exception indicating that the given resource does not match the Provider's typical provided resource.
toString() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Composer
toString() - Method in class sim.des.CountableResource
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Decomposer
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
toString() - Method in class sim.des.DelayNode
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Entity
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Extractor
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Filter
toString() - Method in class sim.des.If
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Lead
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Lock
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Money
Prints the resource out in a pleasing manner.
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiProvider
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Multi.MultiReceiver
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Multi
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Pool
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Probe
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Queue
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Resource
Prints the resource out in a pleasing manner.
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Service
toString() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Sink
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Source
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Transformer
toString() - Method in class sim.des.UncountableResource
toString() - Method in class sim.des.Unlock
totalAcceptedOfferResource - Variable in class sim.des.Provider
totalReceivedResource - Variable in class sim.des.Extractor
totalReceivedResource - Variable in class sim.des.Middleman
totalReceivedResource - Variable in class sim.des.Sink
transact(Middleman, Resource, double, double, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
You may call this method in order to request a transaction of one resource for another.
transact(Provider, Receiver, Resource, double, double, Resource, double) - Method in class sim.des.Middleman
You may call this method in order to request a transaction of one resource for another.
Transformer - Class in sim.des
A currency converter, so to speak.
Transformer(SimState, CountableResource, Resource, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Transformer


UncountableResource - Class in sim.des
An UncountableResource represents an infinitely divisible and mergeable version of CountableResource.
UncountableResource(String) - Constructor for class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns a new kind of Resource with a given name, and an initial amount of 0.
UncountableResource(String, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns a new kind of Resource with a given name, and initial amount.
UncountableResource(UncountableResource) - Constructor for class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns a Resource of the same type, name, and amount as the provided resource.
UncountableResource(UncountableResource, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.UncountableResource
Returns a Resource of the same type, name, and amount as the provided resource.
Unlock - Class in sim.des
Unlock(Lock) - Constructor for class sim.des.Unlock
Builds an Unlock with the same parameters as the provided Lock.
Unlock(SimState, Resource, Pool) - Constructor for class sim.des.Unlock
Builds an Unlock attached to the given pool and with 1.0 of the resource returned each time.
Unlock(SimState, Resource, Pool, double) - Constructor for class sim.des.Unlock
Builds an Unlock attached to the given pool and with the given amount of resources released each time.
update() - Method in class sim.des.BoundedDelay
update() - Method in class sim.des.Delay
update() - Method in class sim.des.SimpleDelay
Deletes exiting available resources, then checks the delay pipeline to determine if any resources have come available, and makes them available to registered receivers in zero time.
update() - Method in class sim.des.Source
This method is called once every time this Source is stepped, and is used to produce new resources or entities and add them to the available pool in the Source.


_amount - Variable in class sim.des.Filter
_atLeast - Variable in class sim.des.Filter
_atMost - Variable in class sim.des.Filter
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