Distributed MASON

Version 1

A joint effort of

Evolutionary Computation Laboratory and
Center for Social Complexity
George Mason University

University of Salerno

About Distributed MASON

Distributed MASON an effort to host MASON in a distributed fashion over many machines using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI). Distributed MASON can run over local clusters or cloud computing architectures (such as Amazon Web Services). A paper which describes the general system can be found in Scalability in the MASON Multi-agent System (Haoliang Wang, Ermo Wei, Robert Simon, Sean Luke, Andrew Crooks, David Freelan, and Carmine Spagnuolo). Distributed MASON is funded in party by a CRI grant from the National Science Foundation.

Distributed MASON is in a very early research-oriented prototype stage, with lots of bugs, API issues, efficiency concerns, etc. It's not for general consumption yet, but if you are a hacker we'd love some collaboration or input. Expect radical, non-backward-compatible changes to it over the next many months.

Getting Distributed MASON

Distributed MASON is only available at our Github repository right now. Look in the contrib/distributed/ directory.

The manual for Distributed MASON is now a chapter in the manual for MASON proper. We also have an early and now partly out of date installation guide (PDF) available which might also help you understand how to build, use, and deploy Distributed MASON models. But the MASON manual is the main place to go.

Classdocs are also available.


If you're interested in a working, well-vetted distributed version of MASON, you should look instead to D-MASON an effort by the University of Salerno which is much further along and stable. Indeed Distributed MASON is a joint effort between the University of Salerno and GMU to develop a follow-on to D-MASON which is hosted over MPI among other things.