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Natural Wonders
We had some deliberate nature events but also caught some unplanned views of domestic and semi-feral animals.
Got his goat. This marabou stork just flew off when a couple of goats started as usual to dine on anything. The marabou is more refined: he eats only freshly dead meat. These guys were all in our backyard, so to speak, where we stayed in Kakamega, Kenya, the city in which Ed taught 1961-63 and I taught 1963-65.
Kakamega Forest is the now well-protected eastern remnant of the great swath of former jungle, across the Congo (now called "Democratic Republic of"), to western Africa. What animals are left are justifiably people-shy, but you can hear the birdcalls especially in the early morning and there's some excellent vegetation, as shown.
Unsacred yet unconfined, these noble beasts roam free, though ultimately they live in the service of human consumption. Note the fortuitous appearance of the Swahili word MAZIWA - milk - in the sign at the top.
Rock 'n' roofs, as found in Mwanza, the Chicago of Tanzania - or in any case its second city. In fact it is also on a great lake, in this case Lake Victoria, second only to Lake Superior in surface area. Chicago has way taller buildings of course, but Mwanza's got great rocks.
More rocks can be found, perhaps not surprisingly, on nearby Saanane Island, a short boatride away from Mwanza. Here Ed checks out the local avian situation.
What not to do: Sign reads: "Notice: It is forbidden ... " to do various unsafe and destructive things, like defacing these great rocks, for example.
More Saanane rocks
Gazelle at Saanane, one of several that came to look at us. They must have been brought here, as it would have been a heckuva long swim for them, but they seem happy enough - happier than the caged hyena (not shown) and the caged lion (also not shown).
Longhorns with bicycle, near MacKay College, a 6-year high-school-plus-two, just inside Kampala, the capital and hub of Uganda.
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