# crawler.py # ---------- # Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for # educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish # solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear # attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to http://ai.berkeley.edu. # # Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley. # The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero # (denero@cs.berkeley.edu) and Dan Klein (klein@cs.berkeley.edu). # Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and # Pieter Abbeel (pabbeel@cs.berkeley.edu). #!/usr/bin/python import math from math import pi as PI import time import environment import random class CrawlingRobotEnvironment(environment.Environment): def __init__(self, crawlingRobot): self.crawlingRobot = crawlingRobot # The state is of the form (armAngle, handAngle) # where the angles are bucket numbers, not actual # degree measurements self.state = None self.nArmStates = 9 self.nHandStates = 13 # create a list of arm buckets and hand buckets to # discretize the state space minArmAngle,maxArmAngle = self.crawlingRobot.getMinAndMaxArmAngles() minHandAngle,maxHandAngle = self.crawlingRobot.getMinAndMaxHandAngles() armIncrement = (maxArmAngle - minArmAngle) / (self.nArmStates-1) handIncrement = (maxHandAngle - minHandAngle) / (self.nHandStates-1) self.armBuckets = [minArmAngle+(armIncrement*i) \ for i in range(self.nArmStates)] self.handBuckets = [minHandAngle+(handIncrement*i) \ for i in range(self.nHandStates)] # Reset self.reset() def getCurrentState(self): """ Return the current state of the crawling robot """ return self.state def getPossibleActions(self, state): """ Returns possible actions for the states in the current state """ actions = list() currArmBucket,currHandBucket = state if currArmBucket > 0: actions.append('arm-down') if currArmBucket < self.nArmStates-1: actions.append('arm-up') if currHandBucket > 0: actions.append('hand-down') if currHandBucket < self.nHandStates-1: actions.append('hand-up') return actions def doAction(self, action): """ Perform the action and update the current state of the Environment and return the reward for the current state, the next state and the taken action. Returns: nextState, reward """ nextState, reward = None, None oldX,oldY = self.crawlingRobot.getRobotPosition() armBucket,handBucket = self.state armAngle,handAngle = self.crawlingRobot.getAngles() if action == 'arm-up': newArmAngle = self.armBuckets[armBucket+1] self.crawlingRobot.moveArm(newArmAngle) nextState = (armBucket+1,handBucket) if action == 'arm-down': newArmAngle = self.armBuckets[armBucket-1] self.crawlingRobot.moveArm(newArmAngle) nextState = (armBucket-1,handBucket) if action == 'hand-up': newHandAngle = self.handBuckets[handBucket+1] self.crawlingRobot.moveHand(newHandAngle) nextState = (armBucket,handBucket+1) if action == 'hand-down': newHandAngle = self.handBuckets[handBucket-1] self.crawlingRobot.moveHand(newHandAngle) nextState = (armBucket,handBucket-1) newX,newY = self.crawlingRobot.getRobotPosition() # a simple reward function reward = newX - oldX self.state = nextState return nextState, reward def reset(self): """ Resets the Environment to the initial state """ ## Initialize the state to be the middle ## value for each parameter e.g. if there are 13 and 19 ## buckets for the arm and hand parameters, then the intial ## state should be (6,9) ## ## Also call self.crawlingRobot.setAngles() ## to the initial arm and hand angle armState = self.nArmStates/2 handState = self.nHandStates/2 self.state = armState,handState self.crawlingRobot.setAngles(self.armBuckets[armState],self.handBuckets[handState]) self.crawlingRobot.positions = [20,self.crawlingRobot.getRobotPosition()[0]] class CrawlingRobot: def setAngles(self, armAngle, handAngle): """ set the robot's arm and hand angles to the passed in values """ self.armAngle = armAngle self.handAngle = handAngle def getAngles(self): """ returns the pair of (armAngle, handAngle) """ return self.armAngle, self.handAngle def getRobotPosition(self): """ returns the (x,y) coordinates of the lower-left point of the robot """ return self.robotPos def moveArm(self, newArmAngle): """ move the robot arm to 'newArmAngle' """ oldArmAngle = self.armAngle if newArmAngle > self.maxArmAngle: raise ValueError, 'Crawling Robot: Arm Raised too high. Careful!' if newArmAngle < self.minArmAngle: raise ValueError, 'Crawling Robot: Arm Raised too low. Careful!' disp = self.displacement(self.armAngle, self.handAngle, newArmAngle, self.handAngle) curXPos = self.robotPos[0] self.robotPos = (curXPos+disp, self.robotPos[1]) self.armAngle = newArmAngle # Position and Velocity Sign Post self.positions.append(self.getRobotPosition()[0]) # self.angleSums.append(abs(math.degrees(oldArmAngle)-math.degrees(newArmAngle))) if len(self.positions) > 100: self.positions.pop(0) # self.angleSums.pop(0) def moveHand(self, newHandAngle): """ move the robot hand to 'newArmAngle' """ oldHandAngle = self.handAngle if newHandAngle > self.maxHandAngle: raise ValueError, 'Crawling Robot: Hand Raised too high. Careful!' if newHandAngle < self.minHandAngle: raise ValueError, 'Crawling Robot: Hand Raised too low. Careful!' disp = self.displacement(self.armAngle, self.handAngle, self.armAngle, newHandAngle) curXPos = self.robotPos[0] self.robotPos = (curXPos+disp, self.robotPos[1]) self.handAngle = newHandAngle # Position and Velocity Sign Post self.positions.append(self.getRobotPosition()[0]) # self.angleSums.append(abs(math.degrees(oldHandAngle)-math.degrees(newHandAngle))) if len(self.positions) > 100: self.positions.pop(0) # self.angleSums.pop(0) def getMinAndMaxArmAngles(self): """ get the lower- and upper- bound for the arm angles returns (min,max) pair """ return self.minArmAngle, self.maxArmAngle def getMinAndMaxHandAngles(self): """ get the lower- and upper- bound for the hand angles returns (min,max) pair """ return self.minHandAngle, self.maxHandAngle def getRotationAngle(self): """ get the current angle the robot body is rotated off the ground """ armCos, armSin = self.__getCosAndSin(self.armAngle) handCos, handSin = self.__getCosAndSin(self.handAngle) x = self.armLength * armCos + self.handLength * handCos + self.robotWidth y = self.armLength * armSin + self.handLength * handSin + self.robotHeight if y < 0: return math.atan(-y/x) return 0.0 ## You shouldn't need methods below here def __getCosAndSin(self, angle): return math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle) def displacement(self, oldArmDegree, oldHandDegree, armDegree, handDegree): oldArmCos, oldArmSin = self.__getCosAndSin(oldArmDegree) armCos, armSin = self.__getCosAndSin(armDegree) oldHandCos, oldHandSin = self.__getCosAndSin(oldHandDegree) handCos, handSin = self.__getCosAndSin(handDegree) xOld = self.armLength * oldArmCos + self.handLength * oldHandCos + self.robotWidth yOld = self.armLength * oldArmSin + self.handLength * oldHandSin + self.robotHeight x = self.armLength * armCos + self.handLength * handCos + self.robotWidth y = self.armLength * armSin + self.handLength * handSin + self.robotHeight if y < 0: if yOld <= 0: return math.sqrt(xOld*xOld + yOld*yOld) - math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) return (xOld - yOld*(x-xOld) / (y - yOld)) - math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) else: if yOld >= 0: return 0.0 return -(x - y * (xOld-x)/(yOld-y)) + math.sqrt(xOld*xOld + yOld*yOld) raise RuntimeError, 'Never Should See This!' def draw(self, stepCount, stepDelay): x1, y1 = self.getRobotPosition() x1 = x1 % self.totWidth ## Check Lower Still on the ground if y1 != self.groundY: raise RuntimeError, 'Flying Robot!!' rotationAngle = self.getRotationAngle() cosRot, sinRot = self.__getCosAndSin(rotationAngle) x2 = x1 + self.robotWidth * cosRot y2 = y1 - self.robotWidth * sinRot x3 = x1 - self.robotHeight * sinRot y3 = y1 - self.robotHeight * cosRot x4 = x3 + cosRot*self.robotWidth y4 = y3 - sinRot*self.robotWidth self.canvas.coords(self.robotBody,x1,y1,x2,y2,x4,y4,x3,y3) armCos, armSin = self.__getCosAndSin(rotationAngle+self.armAngle) xArm = x4 + self.armLength * armCos yArm = y4 - self.armLength * armSin self.canvas.coords(self.robotArm,x4,y4,xArm,yArm) handCos, handSin = self.__getCosAndSin(self.handAngle+rotationAngle) xHand = xArm + self.handLength * handCos yHand = yArm - self.handLength * handSin self.canvas.coords(self.robotHand,xArm,yArm,xHand,yHand) # Position and Velocity Sign Post # time = len(self.positions) + 0.5 * sum(self.angleSums) # velocity = (self.positions[-1]-self.positions[0]) / time # if len(self.positions) == 1: return steps = (stepCount - self.lastStep) if steps==0:return # pos = self.positions[-1] # velocity = (pos - self.lastPos) / steps # g = .9 ** (10 * stepDelay) # g = .99 ** steps # self.velAvg = g * self.velAvg + (1 - g) * velocity # g = .999 ** steps # self.velAvg2 = g * self.velAvg2 + (1 - g) * velocity pos = self.positions[-1] velocity = pos - self.positions[-2] vel2 = (pos - self.positions[0]) / len(self.positions) self.velAvg = .9 * self.velAvg + .1 * vel2 velMsg = '100-step Avg Velocity: %.2f' % self.velAvg # velMsg2 = '1000-step Avg Velocity: %.2f' % self.velAvg2 velocityMsg = 'Velocity: %.2f' % velocity positionMsg = 'Position: %2.f' % pos stepMsg = 'Step: %d' % stepCount if 'vel_msg' in dir(self): self.canvas.delete(self.vel_msg) self.canvas.delete(self.pos_msg) self.canvas.delete(self.step_msg) self.canvas.delete(self.velavg_msg) # self.canvas.delete(self.velavg2_msg) # self.velavg2_msg = self.canvas.create_text(850,190,text=velMsg2) self.velavg_msg = self.canvas.create_text(650,190,text=velMsg) self.vel_msg = self.canvas.create_text(450,190,text=velocityMsg) self.pos_msg = self.canvas.create_text(250,190,text=positionMsg) self.step_msg = self.canvas.create_text(50,190,text=stepMsg) # self.lastPos = pos self.lastStep = stepCount # self.lastVel = velocity def __init__(self, canvas): ## Canvas ## self.canvas = canvas self.velAvg = 0 # self.velAvg2 = 0 # self.lastPos = 0 self.lastStep = 0 # self.lastVel = 0 ## Arm and Hand Degrees ## self.armAngle = self.oldArmDegree = 0.0 self.handAngle = self.oldHandDegree = -PI/6 self.maxArmAngle = PI/6 self.minArmAngle = -PI/6 self.maxHandAngle = 0 self.minHandAngle = -(5.0/6.0) * PI ## Draw Ground ## self.totWidth = canvas.winfo_reqwidth() self.totHeight = canvas.winfo_reqheight() self.groundHeight = 40 self.groundY = self.totHeight - self.groundHeight self.ground = canvas.create_rectangle(0, self.groundY,self.totWidth,self.totHeight, fill='blue') ## Robot Body ## self.robotWidth = 80 self.robotHeight = 40 self.robotPos = (20, self.groundY) self.robotBody = canvas.create_polygon(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, fill='green') ## Robot Arm ## self.armLength = 60 self.robotArm = canvas.create_line(0,0,0,0,fill='orange',width=5) ## Robot Hand ## self.handLength = 40 self.robotHand = canvas.create_line(0,0,0,0,fill='red',width=3) self.positions = [0,0] # self.angleSums = [0,0] if __name__ == '__main__': from graphicsCrawlerDisplay import * run()