How to compress your programming Assignments

You will be submitting your programming assignments to TA via emails. The following are steps how you should compress your assignments to a tar file:
    This file should consist of all the files included in the assignment--for example the header files, source files, and makefile (if you have one).
    Procedure for constructing the tar file :-
    1. Start in the directory that contains all the files for your assignment
    2. At the system prompt ( shown here as>), type the following:> mkdir temp

      (you can use any name in place of temp)

    3. Copy ( cp ) all the source files, header files and makefile needed to compile your program to temp.
    4. Make a tar file of the temp directory:>tar cf yourname.tar temp
      (if you used another name in place of temp, use it here, too)
      Important: yourname.tar is your mailbox name concatenated with .tar, e.g. ewhite1.tar. To double check to see if all the files are present in the tar file, at the system prompt type:>tar tvf yourname.tar

      When you reach this point you have successfully created the tar file.

    5. Also you can compress the tar file to a 'gz' file. To do so at the system prompt you will have to do the following:>gzip yourname.tar

      This deletes yourname.tar and replaces it with yourname.tar.gz

    6. Now you can email your assignments to TA