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Java's Object Orientation, I/O CS 161 - Java


You say one class extends another when you want to re-use most of the capabilities of a class, but want to add some additional capabilities, over-ride some, or provide other specialization.
Source: examples/

/** encapsulate the characteristics of any one student
** @author: Jonathan Doughty
public abstract class AnyStudent {
private static long nextId = 0;
// Instance variables (fields) that will be associated with each student
private String name;
private long id;
private long tuitionPaid;
private long tuitionOwed;
// A constructor that will create student objects with specified name and id
public AnyStudent( String studentName) {
name = studentName;
id = nextId;
// I'm not going to allow other users of the AnyStudent class create
// Students without a name and an id value.
private AnyStudent() {
public String toString() {
return name + ":" + id;
public void payTuition(int amount) {
tuitionPaid += amount;
tuitionOwed -= amount;
public long tuitionOwed() {
return tuitionOwed;

Source: examples/

/** encapsulate the characteristics of an UnderGrad student
** @author: Jonathan Doughty
public class UnderGradStudent extends AnyStudent {
private float GPA;
// A constructor that will create student objects with specified name and id
public UnderGradStudent( String studentName) {
super(studentName); // invoke AnyStudent constructor
public float getGPA() {
return GPA;
public String toString() {
String basic = super.toString();
return basic + " GPA:" + GPA;
// Other methods associated with being an undergraduate student ...

Source: examples/

/** encapsulate the characteristics of a Grad student
** @author: Jonathan Doughty
public class GradStudent extends AnyStudent {
private Faculty advisor;
private Course teachingAssistantFor;
// A constructor that will create student objects with specified name and id
public GradStudent( String studentName) {
public void writeThesis() {
// mumble
public String toString() {
String basic = super.toString();
return basic + " grad";
// Other methods associated with being a grad student ...

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