Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

Assignment 6

Extra Credit


Assignment 1: Due 9/17 before midnight




  1. Write a program that outputs the number of characters, words, and lines in a user-specified file. Use Exceptions wherever applicable. Useful link:


  1. Write a program that reads a set of integers from a user-specified file, and determine if there are any duplicates. If so, then print the number(s) and their locations. Otherwise print The file contains no duplicates.


  1. A palindrome is a number or a text phrase that reads the same backwards as forwards. For example, each of the following five-digit integers is a palindrome: 12321, 55555, 45554 and 11611. Write a program that takes in a five-digit integer and determines whether it is a palindrome by using two different algorithms (you will put them in overloaded methods):


a)      Treat each number as a string and read the string one character at a time


b)      Use the division and modulus operators to separate the number into its individual digits.


Please use the following skeleton for this assignment. It is important that the names of the class and the methods are identical to the specification here. Name your file




public class Assign1


   // print the file stats in this method

   public static void fileStats(String filename)





   // print duplicates and their locations in this method.

   // If no duplicates, print The file contains no duplicates

   public static void detectDup(String filename)





   // returns true if the input is a palindrome, false otherwise

   public static boolean isPalindrome(String number)





   // returns true if the input is a palindrome, false otherwise

public static boolean isPalindrome(int number)





// I will provide this part. The main will look something like

// this.

   public static void main(String [] args)





         String num1 = “66166”;

         int num2 = 66166;








Assignment 2: Due 9/28 before midnight




For this assignment, turn in hard-copies only (either bring it to class, or slide it under my door).


  1. For each of the following program fragments, do the following:


a.       Give a Big-O analysis of the running time. Provide some reasoning on how you arrive at the conclusion for general case n (i.e. summation (could be approximation for complex cases))


b.      Implement the code and run for several values of n (10, 100, 1000, 10000)


c.       Compare your analysis with the actual running times. i.e. Check if the actual running time is as expected (from the big-O analysis on part (a)). For example, for O(n2), you should expect that, when the input size increases by a factor of 10, the runtime should increase by a factor of 102 = 100 times.


To measure actual running time of your program, you can use the following segment of code. System.nanoTime() returns the current value of the system timer in nanoseconds. So you just indicate when to start/stop the timing. You'll need to time each fragment separately.


      long startTime = System.nanoTime();
      // put your for loop here
      long stopTime = System.nanoTime();
      long runTime = (stopTime-startTime) / 1000;  //get run time in microseconds

System.out.println("Run time: " + runtime);


Some of the cases take a while to run, so it'd be a good idea for you to leave it running overnight. If you'd like to redirect the result to an output file, simple do this on the command line (assuming your class is called TestRunTime):


java TestRunTime > output.txt


This will save the println’s to output.txt (or use >> for appending).




// fragment 1

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)



// fragment 2

for (int i = 0; i < n; i+=2)



// fragment 3

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)



// fragment 4

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)



// fragment 5

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      for (int j = 0; j < n*n; j++)



// fragment 6

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)



// fragment 7

for (int i = 1; i < n; i=i*2)




  1. Show that f(n) = 3n + 10 is O(n).



  1. Show that f(n) = 3n + 10 is also O(n2).



  1. Show that f(n) = 2n3 + 3n + 1 is O(n3).


Assignment 3: Due 10/10 before midnight




Part I.  Implement a simple GameEntry class as specified below. Each GameEntry object represents an entry for a video game, and contains two fields: the score, and the name of the person earning the score.


public class GameEntry


   private String name;       // name of the person earning this score

   private int score;         // the score value


   // Constructor to create a game entry. The score should be greater than or equal to zero. If it's

   // negative, then set it to zero.

   public GameEntry(String n, int s)





   // Retrieve the name field

   public String getName()





   // Retrieve the score field

   public int getScore()





   // Returns a string representation of this entry (name & score)

   public String toString()






Part II. Implement the class AllEntries as specified below. AllEntries consists of a collection of game entries, represented as a growable array of GameEntry objects. Users can insert/delete a game entry to/from the array. Use the following specification. You may add any private methods to the program as you see fit. Throw exceptions wherever appropriate.


public class AllEntries


   // initial capacity of array

   public static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 10;           


   // number of actual entries

private int num_entries;                


// array of game entries

   private GameEntry[] entries;                   


   // Default constructor: populate the array "entries"; initialize

// num_entries to 0

   public AllEntries()





   // Return the array entries (names & scores)

   // The format should be:

   //     name1  score1

   //     name2  score2

   //       :      :

   public String toString()





   // This method is called when the array is full and needs to be grown.

// This is done by:

   //   1. Creating a new array of double the capacity

   //   2. Copying everything from the old array to this new array.

   //   3. Updating the array reference.

   private void growArray()





   // Insert new entry to the array. Check to see if the name already

// exists in the array. If so, then just update the score.

// Grow the array first if it's full.

// Update the num_entries field.

   public void insert(GameEntry e)





   // Insert new entry to the array at index i. Check to see if the name

// already exists in the array. If so, then just update the score. Throw

// an exception if the index is invalid (the allowable range of indices

// is 0 to num_entries).

// Update the num_entries field.

   public void insertAt(GameEntry e, int i)





   // Delete the game entry at index i. Throw an exception if the index is

// invalid, or if the entry does not exist. Update the num_entries field.

// Don't forget to shift everything following the 'hole' to the left.

   public void delete(int i)





// Call the private sortBy method. YOU DON'T NEED TO MODIFY THIS ONE.

   public void sortByName()





   // Call the private sortBy method. YOU DON'T NEED TO MODIFY THIS ONE.

   public void sortByScore()





   // Sort the array by the specified field:

//   If field is 1 then sort by names.

//   If field is 2 then sort by scores.

// Use bubble sort. Implement the modified version of bubble sort (with

// flag), for which the best case is O(n).

   private void sortBy(int field)





   // Print the top k highest scores (including the names).

   // The format should be:

   //     score1        name1

   //     score2        name2

   //        :            :

   public void printTopK(int k)






// search for a person's entry in the array by binary search (using

// recursion)

// Return the score of the person if found, -1 otherwise

// this is the driver that calls the recursive method

public int binarySearchDriver(String n)


          // call bubble sort first to make sure that the array is

// sorted by names



          // call the recursive binary search method

          return binarySearch(n, 0, num_entries-1);



// recursive binary search method

// return the score of the person if found, -1 otherwise

private int binarySearch(String n, int low, int high)






Assignment 4: Due 10/30 before midnight   assign4_solution_output.txt  


Revisit AllEntries (as in the previous assignment) and implement a sorted, doubly-linked list (GameEntryList), using the following specification. The GameEntry class remains unchanged, but please include it in your submission.


In this assignment you will also be computing the union and intersection of two lists. More info about union and intersection are given below. For the purpose of this assignment, you do not have to worry about the scenario where you might have entries with the same name but different scores from the two lists (i.e. you can assume that name is a unique ID, and if two entries from different lists have the same name, then they must have the same score).


You may add any “helper” methods in the class that will help make your code look cleaner.



The union of two lists are all items that occur in either list (without duplicates). For example:


List A: (Adam, 10), (Betty, 20), (John, 15)

List B: (Betty, 20), (Brian, 22), (John, 15), (Monica, 13)


Union of List A and List B is: (Adam, 10), (Betty, 20), (Brian, 22), (John, 15), (Monica, 13).



The intersection of two lists are items that occur in both lists. For the example above, their intersection is (Betty, 20), (John, 15)


public class GameEntryList



   // default constructor - construct an empty doubly linked list

   public GameEntryList()





   // check to see if the list is empty

   public boolean isEmpty()





   // clear the list

   public void makeEmpty()





   // Insert an entry. Keep the list sorted by name (increasing order).

   // If an entry with the same name already exists, update the score

   // instead of inserting it as a new entry. This allows score updating

   // of an existing entry.  

   public void insertSorted (GameEntry G)





   // Delete the entry with the specified name. Throw an exception

   // if no such entry exists

   public void delete(String name) throws NoSuchElementException





   // Return the score if the entry is in the list, -1 otherwise

   public int getScore(String name)





   // Print the content of the list

   public String toString()





   // Return true if two lists contain the same entries, false otherwise

   public boolean equals(Object rhs)





   // Return the number of entries in the list

   public int getCount()





   // Return the union of the current list and other_list without

   // modifying either list. For the purpose of this assignment,

   // you do not have to worry about having entries with the same

   // name but different scores in the two lists.

   // Return the resulting list, which should also be sorted by name.

   public GameEntryList getUnion(GameEntryList other_list)





   // Return the intersection of the current list and other_list without

   // modifying either list. Return the resulting list.

   // The resulting list should also be sorted by name.

   public GameEntryList getIntersection(GameEntryList other_list)





   // Return a new list that's sorted by scores in increasing order

   // (without modifying the original list). You can use any sorting

   // algorithm of your choice.

   public GameEntryList sortByScore()





   // Print the top k scores and their corresponding names

   // (do not modify the original list)

   public void printTopK(int k) throws InvalidArgumentException





private GameEntryNode head;

private GameEntryNode tail;


private class GameEntryNode


          private GameEntry G;

          private GameEntryNode next;

          private GameEntryNode prev;


          public GameEntryNode(GameEntry G)





          public GameEntryNode(GameEntry G, GameEntryNode prev, GameEntryNode next) 








Assignment 5: Due 11/21 before midnight   input2.txt   assign5_output.txt


Implement a binary search tree for int using the following specifications. Only the public methods are listed; most of them are driver methods and will need private, internal implementation version, which you’ll need to add yourself.


Throw exceptions for the delete methods (when the tree is empty, and when the item does not exist), but not insertion. For insertion, do nothing if the item already exists (since you’re likely to encounter duplicates with the merge methods).


public class BinarySearchTree


   class BinaryNode


          BinaryNode(int el)





          int data;

          BinaryNode left;

          BinaryNode right;



   // construct an empty tree

   public BinarySearchTree()





   // construct a binary tree with the root node

   public BinarySearchTree(int el)





   // insert el into the tree

   public void insert(int el)





   // delete el from the tree

   public void delete(int el)





   // search for el in the BST. Return its depth.

   // Return -1 if it's not found.

   public int find(int el)







   // find and return the smallest item in the BST

   // Return null if the tree is empty

   public int findMin()





   // find and return the biggest item in the BST

   // Return null if the tree is empty

   public int findMax()





   // remove the smallest item from the BST

   public void deleteMin()





   // remove the largest item from the BST

   public void deleteMax()





   // return the height of the tree

   public int getHeight()





   // return the number of items in the tree

   public int getCount()





   // merge two trees: add the nodes from t to the current tree in

   // the pre-order order

   // Ignore duplicates

   public void mergePreOrder(BinarySearchTree t)





   // merge two trees: add the nodes from t to the current tree in

   // the in-order order

   // Ignore duplicates

   public void mergeInOrder(BinarySearchTree t)





   // merge two trees: add the nodes from t to the current tree in

   // the post-order order

   // Ignore duplicates

   public void mergePostOrder(BinarySearchTree t)






   // print the nodes in the BST in the pre-order order using recursion

   public void printPreOrder()





   // print the nodes in the BST in the in-order order using recursion

   public void printInOrder()





   // print the nodes in the BST in the post-order order using recursion

   public void printPostOrder()






   // EXTRA CREDIT: print the nodes in level-order (you'll need to use a queue

   // for this

   public void printLevelOrder()





   // print the nodes in In-Order   

   public String toString()







   / Add your private methods here




   private BinaryNode root;



Assignment 6: Due 12/8 before midnight


test dictionary file: words_long.txt   words_short.txt

test case #1: 4x7.grid.txt   4x7.out.txt  

test case #2: 50x50.grid.txt   50x50.out.txt


Write a program that, given a dictionary of words, finds all instances of those words in a grid of letters. This puzzle is similar to the word search puzzle, where you circle the words horizontally, vertically or diagonally in the grid, as described in 10.1 in Weiss (there are a total of 8 directions to read the letters from the grid). However, in this case, you’re not given a list of words to find. You have to find all the dictionary words in the grid. You will be given a dictionary (list) of English words. Use a hash table to quickly check if a particular combination of letters is a word in the dictionary. You can use any collision resolution strategies discussed in class, but you must implement your own (instead of using HashMap from Java API).


Ignore cases (you can assume that everything in the grid will be in lower-cases), and consider only words that are at least three characters long.


Files to turn in: and


You will be given an input grid and a dictionary file (i.e. list of words). The first line in the input grid file is the number of rows, and the second line is the number of columns. The grid data begins on the 3rd line. The following is an example of what an input grid file looks like:






which is equivalent to the data grid shown in Figure 10.1:


t   h   i   s

w a   t   s

o  a   h  g

f   g   d  t


Your program should take two command-line parameters: one for the dictionary file and one for the grid file. It should output all the words found in the grid and the total number of words found. The output format should look something like this (note: the solution might be incomplete):


E (0, 0): this

E (0, 1): his

SE (1, 0): wad

NW (2, 2): hat

NE (3, 0): fat

NW (3, 3): that


6 words found


Extra Credit: Due 12/12 before midnight


Write a program that reads in a dictionary of n-letter words from a file, accepts two more n-letter words from the user and
finds a word ladder from one to the other using the words in the dictionary (so your program should take 3 command-line arguments: dictionary, start word, end word). For example, from "dog" to "cat" a possible ladder is:


Note that at each step, the words only differ by one letter. Differing from the original version of the puzzle, you are not allowed to add or remove letters (i.e. the number of letters remains the same). You may assume that there will be no duplicate words in the dictionary. If the start or the end word doesn’t exist in the dictionary, manually add them to the data structure(s) you build.


You can use any data structure(s) you've learned so far (either Java Collections API or your own implementation; you are also allowed to use the code from the textbook).


This project consists of two parts:


Part I (1%): Write a report describing how you would solve the puzzle. Mention any data structures you might use, and how they are used. Be as specific as possible. Provide Big-O analysis of the running time of your approach, both on the building of the data structure(s) and the actual search algorithm. You will be graded on correctness of both your design and the analysis of time complexity.


Part II (2.5%): Implement Part I.