CS262, Fall 2011, Section 002 Program assignment 1 (PA1) Instructor: Jyh-Ming Lien, jmlien@cs.gmu.edu Due date: Sep 19 2011 (by midnight, 11:59pm) Description: Give a list of 2D axis-aligned boxes, determine which boxes are isolated. A box is isolated if it does not overlap with other boxes. Input: The input will contain at least two boxes and at most 100 boxes. The first number from the input indicates the number of boxes. Each box is represented by 4 integer values: minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, maximum y, in this order. There will be a multiple of 4 integers from the standard input. Implicitly, the first box read from the input has ID=0, the second box has ID=1, and so on. Output: Print to the standard output. Each line of the output indicates the ID of an isolated box that *does not* interest with any other boxes. The ID should be printed in sorted increasing order. Example Input: 5 -3 0 2 5 2 5 -1 3 1 8 -2 5 4 7 0 4 9 11 -3 -1 Example Output: 0 4 Note: If you use math.h, use -lm switch to tell gcc to link in the math library: EX: gcc pa1-002.c -lm To turn in: Submit a copy of your (well commented) source code and a sample terminal session showing several runs of your program. Show your example input clearly in your sample terminal session. You can use the example input above and create two more make-up examples. Your source code should have name "pa1-002.c" and your terminal session should have name "pa1-002.txt". Make sure that you code is well documented. Make sure that your documented code includes your name and the assignment number. Send your documents to cs262.2011fall.lien@gmail.com with subject line pa1-002-(Your G#)