The program: Big Number

Due Feb 21st, 2017, 11:59pm


Change logs

  • Feb 18, 9:30am, Another test case posted
  • Feb 7, 11:10am, Source files released.


You will write a Number class which will allow you to do arithmetic with unlimited digits and accuracy. As an example, this class was used to compute 1000! as:


You will write a (rather feeble) calculator with only a few operations which will do basic arithmetic with these numbers. Running the calculator may give a display like:

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> e
value: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> m
value: -20000

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> a
value: .853071

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> c

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> e
value: .0000000000000000000000001

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> r

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> m
value: 200000

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> s
value: -1

enter a value: e     add: a
subtract: s          multiply: m
reverse sign: r      clear: c
quit: q
-> q

You will note that your program will not do division. You can be thankful for this.

The Number class

Numbers will be stored in doubly-linked lists (do not use generics here). Each node will have an int value field which will hold one digit (0 through 9) and two pointer fields, prev and next. The Number class will have five fields:

private Node low, high;
private int digitCount = 0;
private int decimalPlaces = 0;
private boolean negative = false;

high points to the high-order digit's node, low points to the low-order digit's node, digitCount is the number of digits stored in the list, decimalPlaces is the number of digits (nodes) after the decimal place and negative gives the sign. For example, the number 3.1416 would be represented as:

A number of operations will be provided by public methods:

public Number(). A constructor which makes an "empty" Number (with no digits).
public Number(String str). A constructor which takes a String representation of a number (e.g. "-21.507"). Calls accept.
public void accept(String str). Builds a list representation of the number represented by the string.
public Number add(Number n). Returns a Number which represents "this + n".
public Number subtract(Number n). Returns a Number which represents "this - n".
public Number multiply(Number n). Returns a Number which represents "this * n".
public void reverseSign(). Reverses the value of negative.
public String toString(). This returns a String representation of the number. It allows you to display a Number using System.out.print().

There will be no other public methods, but you may provide any private methods you wish.

The list

You will write methods to manipulate the doubly linked list. Very little is needed here. You will need private void insertLow(int digit) and private void insertHigh(int digit) to create and insert new nodes at each end of the list.

Implementing the operations

You will write (private) Number addAbsolute(Number n), Number subtractAbsolute(Number n) and int compareToAbsolute(Number n) methods which will perform operations disregarding signs (i.e. the negative field). These can then be called by the public Number add(Number n) and public Number subtract(Number n) methods. The trickiest part of these methods is aligning the decimal points.

private Number addAbsolute(Number n)

If this.digitCount and n.digitCount were equal and this.decimalPlaces and n.decimalPlaces were equal (which, of course, they generally are not) the following pseudo-code would work:

create a new (empty) Number sum
int carry = 0
thisPtr = low
nPtr = n.low
while (thisPtr != null)
   add the values stored in the pointed to nodes plus the carry to get int newDigit
   store newDigit % 10 in a new node inserted at the head of sum
   store newDigit / 10 in carry
   thisPtr = thisPtr.getPrev()
   nPtr = nPtr.getPrev()
if (carry != 0)
   store carry (1) in new node at the head of sum
set appropriate value for decimalPlaces in sum

This must be adjusted to align the decimal points and to account for differing digit counts. If, for example, the numbers as written on paper would look like:

you would have to start and end the traversals of the two lists at different times and treat non-existent nodes as holding 0.

private Number subtractAbsolute(Number n)

Subtraction is also done much as it is done with paper and pencil. You must first determine which of the two values has largest magnitude (use your int compareToAbsolute(Number n) method) then subtract the smaller magnitude value from the larger magnitude value. If this has the largest magnitude and if the digitCounts and decimalPlaces match the following pseudo-code would work:

create a new (empty) Number difference
int borrow = 0;
thisPtr = low
nPtr = n.low
while (thisPtr != null)
	subtract the pointed to digits and subtract borrow from the result to get int newDigit
	if (newDigit < 0)
	   newDigit += 10
	   borrow = 1
	   borrow = 0
	store newDigit in a new node inserted at the head of difference
set appropriate value for decimalPlaces in difference

This code must be adjusted to align decimal points and account for different digit counts.

public Number multiply(Number n) optional

Multiplication is done in a slightly different way from pencil and paper. We read the first Number to be multiplied from-right-to-left and the second from-left-to-right using "Horner's method."

create an empty Number product
let d be the high-order digit of n
   multiply (all of) this by d in a right-to-left manner (with a carry) 
                        similar to addAbsolute() to get a Number partialProduct
   multiply product by 10 (just append a new low-order digit 0)
   use addAbsolute() to add partialProduct to product
   let d be the next digit to the right in n
until you have used all digits of n
decimalPlaces for product will be the sum of decimalPlaces for this and n
set product.negative to get the appropriate sign

No issues with decimal point alignment or differing digit counts occur here.

Finishing the arithmetic operations

public Number add(Number n) and public Number Subtract(Number n) are now easily implemented using private Number addAbsolute(Number n), private Number subtractAbsolute(Number n), and private int compareToAbsolute(Number n) and carefully observing signs. (private int compareToAbsolute(Number n) presents digit and decimal point alignment issues.)

All arithmetic operations must be finished by trimming the result. Here you will remove all extra leading 0s which precede the decimal point and all extra trailing 0s which follow the decimal point.

Input validation

All user input must be validated. In the Number class you should write a validate() method which assures that the strings passed to accept() or the constructor represent valid numbers. If input fails this validation your program will throw an exception. (You make up the exception.) Your calculator should put all user input which is destined for the Number class in try/catch blocks. The action of the catch block need only be a message (and perhaps a beep: System.out.print((char)7)) and allow the program to continue.

To hand in

You will submit on blackboard.

  • Your submission should include your (well organized and well commented) source cod
  • Complete README.txt
  • You should include both source code and a binary called "310pa1.jar".
  • A terminal session showing you running your program with sample input that will be posted on this website
  • Your should zip all the files in a file called ""
  • Your TAs should be able to run your program by typing: "java -jar 310pa1.jar"


  • private boolean validate(String str) 5%
  • public void accept(String str) 5%
  • public Number add(Number n) 10%
  • public Number subtract(Number n) 10%
  • public Number multiply(Number n) 15% (optional)
  • public Number compareToAbsolute(Number n) 5%
  • private Number addAbsolute(Number n) 20%
  • private Number subtractAbsolute(Number n) 20%
  • private void insertHigh(int digit) 5%
  • private void insertLow(int digit) 5%
  • private void trim() 5%
  • README.txt 5%
  • Code organization/comments 5%
  • Total point: 100 + 15 optional