Tyler Kirkman(Programming)
Dang Khoa Nguyen(Programming)

Thomas Kresge (Audio Composer)


·         Overview

o   Motivation: This project was created because of a love for retro action games, Ghosts and Goblins, Castlevania, etc.

o   Objective: Your best friend/princess has been kidnapped by the evil demon king! It is up to you, Kinna to rescue her and save the day! Fight through hordes of evil plants, wicked zombies, and their Necromasters to reach the Demon King and rescue your friend!

·         Main Features

o   2D Sidescrolling Action!

o   Original Music composed for this game! (Credit: Thomas Kresge)

o   16 Bit Styles!

·         Gameplay

o   Gameplay is a 2D sidescrolling action game, one moves right across the screen and attacks or jumps over the enemies on the screen in order to reach and defeat the boss.

o   Characters consist of

§  The Main Character, Kinna


·         Her movements include sideways running, vertical jumping, and single-handed weapon attacking.

§  Petal Plant


·         Fires a single petal horizontally in Kinna’s direction.

§  Flying Fairy


·         Moves in a sinusoidal motion in an effort to strike Kinna.

§  Fire Flower


·         Uses 3 attacks!

o   Fire blast: Shoots a ball of fire at Kinna

o   Petal Burst: Fires 3 Petals in an angle at Kinna.

o   Petal Shot: Fires 1 Petal in a horizontal line at Kinna.

§  Skeleton Soldier


·         Merely shambles towards Kinna in an effort to strike her.

§  Skeleton Captain


·         Fires a Light Bullet at Kinna!

·         Summons Skeleton Soldiers as minions to attack Kinna!

o   Resources consist of

§  Health Bar


·         When all heart is lost, you lose one Live. You gain new hearts by defeating bosses.

§  Lives

·         When Kinna runs out of her allotted lives, the game ends and you return to the main menu to begin again.

·         User Interface

o   Main Menu


o   Game Screen


o   Controls

§  Controls consist simply of the A and D buttons for horizontal movement, Space Bar for Jump, and Left Mouse to attack enemies

·         Main Difficulties

o   Time Constraints

§  It was difficult for this team to find time to work together on this project, as we both had other classes and projects on which we were expected to divide our time. I also have a part-time job which gave me even less time with which I could work on this project.

§  On the code side of this, different computers run at different speeds, so it was difficult to implement a universal clock that ran properly across all systems. As a result, animations were not done properly and velocity calculations were affected.

o   Engine Issues

§  Our engine was SFML, which is not truly a Game Engine in the classic sense. It merely is a platform which allowed us to load images and sound files. We ran into several DLL errors and incompatibilities due to Graphics and Sound Cards.

·         Current Improvements

o   Since the final demo we have improved the object loader further, making the system much more efficient.

o   Our projectile code has been gone over and ostensibly the errors that have been plaguing us have been resolved.

·         Future Plans

o   In the future, it is the hope of this designer to replace any art downloaded from the internet with original art made for this game.

o   Any and all issues involving movement and collision calculations will be solved.

o   Further stages and enemies will be added.

o   Items and new powers will be implemented.

o   A score system and cheat codes will be added

o   If it reaches a point where it’s polished enough and there is all-original content in this game, it is the wish of this designer to publish this game.