From CS499 Fall 2014: Geometric Computing

Site: ProgrammingAssignment1

Due date: September 24, 2014, 11:59pm

Assignment details

In this assignment, you will implement tHertel and Mehlhorn Algorithm using Ear-clipping Triangulation described in Chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook. Here is a more detailed list of your tasks

  1. Make sure that you understand the algorithms and the skeleton code, esp. classes in polygon.h
  2. The EAR-clipping triangulate function should be implemented in triangulation.cpp
    • Chapter 1 should provide you most of the source code already...
  3. intersection.h should contain some helpful functions.
  4. Vertices in the polygon are ordered counter clockwise. Convex polygons created by your function should also be ordered counter clockwise.
  5. Save each convex polygon in its own file
    • If the input filename is "polygon.poly" and if there are 3 convex components in your decomposition, then the output files should be named "polygon_cc_000001.poly", "polygon_cc_000002.poly", and "polygon_cc_000003.poly". There are six digits between "polygon_cc_" and ".poly"

To compile the skeleton code

Just type make (on Unix-like system of course)

If you use Visual Studio please create your own solution files.

Currently there is only text output. I may provide a visualization tool later. But that is a big "may".

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Page last modified on September 10, 2014, at 04:16 PM