Last Updated: 2016-01-22 Fri 19:49

CS 211 Lab 1 Walk-through

1 Rationale

Sometimes, mother nature is like a giant, radiation spewing lizard which stomps across the region canceling labs and food service it its wake. Such is the case at the moment and many CS 211 students did not get the benefit of their introductory lab. While this is a bummer, it's not the end of the world. Thanks to technology, we can provide a little remote assistance in the form of video walk-throughs. Use the resources linked below to help you get through the first lab.

2 Videos

Installing Java Development Kit 1.8 (JDK 1.8)

If you have not installed the JDK yet, make sure to do so. This may involve adjusting your system path so that you can compile and run from the command line. The following videos give overviews of how to install on major problems. A few of the details might be a bit different.

Lab 1 Walk-Through

The following video is a full walk-through of Lab 1. Watch it and follow along to finish the lab.

Author: Mark Snyder, Chris Kauffman (,
Date: 2016-01-22 Fri 19:49