CS 580 Spring 2001, Jana Kosecka, HOMEWORK 1, due January 25th
(25 points)

Read the Lisp Primer up to the Recursion and Iteration Section (included).
and answer and submitt following questions which are part  of the primer

1.(5) Using first, rest and reverse extract the atom ``jim'' from the following:
      a. (he is dead jim)
      b. (captain (((jim) kirk)))
      c. (((((spock) asked) jim) if) he was all right)
      d. (after (looking at the (lizard man) ((((jim))) asked for warp 9)))

2.(5) Given the following definition:

            (setf mylist '((bush broccoli) (nixon watergate)
                          (letterman (viewer mail))
                          (you are no jack kennedy)
                          (and please) (scorsese (robert deniro))))

      Construct the following with any of the functions you have learned
      so far.
      a. (no broccoli please)
      b. ((scorsese and deniro) are no robert kennedy)
      c. (watergate and no viewer)
      d. (bush nixon kennedy)
      e. ((bush broccoli) (nixon watergate) (letterman mail))

3. (5) Consider the following definition:

            (defun life (a b)
              (cond ((null a) b)
                    ((null b) a)
                    (t 'its-tough)))

      Suppose you are running the LISP interpreter and you enter the

            >(setf a 'oh-boy)

      Then you do the following:

            >(life 'gummi a)

      What are the global and local values of a and b before, during,
      and after this command?

4. (5) Consider the following function definition:

            (defun who-knows (lst1 lst2)
              (cond ((= (length lst1) (length lst2))
                     (+ (length lst1) (length lst2)))
                    ((> (length lst1) (length lst2))  (length lst2))
                    (t   (length lst1))))

       a. What does this function do? Be precise as what would happen in each
       b. What happens if one of the arguments is an atom ?

5.(5) Consider the following definition for the function CIRCULATE:

            (defun circulate (lst)
              (append (rest lst)
                      (list (first lst))))

   This function takes a list and constructs a new list by taking the first
   element of the old list and making it the last element of the new.
   For example:

            >(circulate '((whats) happening here))
            (happening here (whats))

   Rewrite the function and call it CIRCULATE-DIR so that it can circulate
   lists in both directions. Thus it should work as follows:

            >(circulate-dir '(1 2 3 4) 'left)
            (4 1 2 3)

            >(circulate-dir '(1 2 3 4) 'right)
            (2 3 4 1)

Instructions for submission:

(1) Using script or dribble, you are to capture the output of a Lisp session
    in which you successfully load and execute your code, showing sufficient
    testing of your function(s). On osf1 type script and your session
    will be saved in a file typescript, whose hardcopy you will hand in.
    To exit script simply type 'exit'.

(2) a. In class hand in a hardcopy report consisting of:

       - a cover sheet containing:

         Your name
         CS580 Spring 2001, J. Kosecka
         Homework #1

         (A short summary stating whether you were successful, describing
          any problems, etc.)

       - a print out of the Lisp code.

       - a printout of a captured Lisp session involving the execution of
         the HW1 Lisp code.

    b. Send a SINGLE email to clevcovi@cs.gmu.edu formatted in the
       following way:

       - the subject field of the email should read: CS580 HW#1  Kosecka

       - the content of the email should be a commented version of the
         Lisp code for HW1.  Comments at the top should include:

         Your name
         CS580 Spring 2001, J. Kosecka
         Homework #1
       As a safety precaution, always CC yourself when you submit homework
       this way and keep it around until it has been graded and returned.