SWE 510: Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Fall 2010
Muhammad Abdulla
General Information | Textbooks | Schedule & Notes | Projects | Policies
Homework Submission Guidelines


 Homeworks should be submitted a single tarball or zip file that conforms to
 the specifications described in this document. Important: submissions MUST
 compile without warnings, or they cannot be graded.

 Please name your submission according to the following format:
 where 'X' is the number of the homework (1,2,3, or 4) and 'addr' is replaced
 with your GMU email ID. For example, John Doe's submission for homework 1
 would be:


 and would contain a single directory called 'hw1'.

 An example of creating this tar file is listed below.


A submission should contain a directory with the following items:

  - a file named 'README' produced with an ASCII text editor that: 
      a) lists your name and anyone you worked with
      b) explains whether or not all problems were solved
         and to what degree.
      c) lists what sources, if any, you used to produce the code
         that solves the homework problems

  - Java source code files.

  - If applicable, a set of test data files that show that your program works
    as intended (optional).

Do not include any binaries, class files, messages, backup files, web pages, etc.

It is to your advantage to accomplish small tasks completely in the homework
(and explain this in your README) if you are unable to finish the whole
problem. It is better to be graded on a single working sub-part than a broken

Example Submission

$ cd 510/code
$ ls
hw1/    hw2/   hw3/   hw4/
$ cd hw1/
$ rm -rf *.class 
$ ls
HomeworkOne.java    README
$ cd ..
$ tar -cf hw1-jdoe.tar  hw1/
$ gzip hw1-jdoe.tar
$ ls
hw1/  hw1-jdoe.tar.gz  hw2/   hw3/   hw4/

Now you can now email the gzipped tarball.


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© 2008-2010 Muhammad Abdulla
Last Modified: January 15, 2010