CS 463 - Homework 8 - Monads

Due Tuesday, April 16th 2024, 5pm


  • nothing here yet.

Assignment Details

  • Starter Template with blank definitions: Template8H.hs (be sure to rename it to Homework8.hs).
  • Tester File: Tester8H.hs
  • You may work with one partner. You must list them in your top comment-block (or "none" if you work alone), and you still must each turn in your own work. That way one student may elect to turn work in late if the other doesn't, and everyone is responsible for their own submitted work.


You will create a file named Homework8.hs, which begins with:

Your Name: ___________________
Partner:   ___________________


module Homework8 where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State      -- State, runState, get, put, guard

data SnocList a = Lin | Snoc (SnocList a) a deriving (Show, Ord)
data Tree a = L | V a | Br (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving (Show)

type Name = String
type FamilyTree = [(Name,Name)]

Some definitions are very short and simple, others are more significant computations. You might be able to work on any of the four sections, instead of needing to go straight through via the file's ordering.

Getting access to the mtl module (for monads)

More recent installations of Haskell hide some modules by default. You can explicitly install them for yourself with the two following commands to the cabal package management system:

cabal update
cabal install mtl --lib

The first one ensures you have up-to-date definitions; the second one both requests installation of the mtl library as well as asks that it be used for the current user as a library and not a stand-alone project.

You may also need to run this variant; I'm not yet sure which exact installation path/platform may need this but it seems geared towards the newest version of cabal. If the above worked, no need to try this one.

cabal new-install --lib mtl

These instructions and more are included in our class notes on Haskell. If you are unable to run the cabal instructions, you can also download the source code directly (from hackage) and carefully put the Control/ folder adjacent to your code. That would cause ghci to use that local copy in lieu of the installed approach, and wouldn't need any changes on the grading side. But when we use multiple modules on the last homework, the manual merging of all those libraries is a real pain, so I'd strongly recommend looking into cabal thoroughly before falling back to this last-minute style approach. If you do this, you probably should still visit some office hours so we can sort out how things were installed and get you up to speed.

Preparation - general notes on monadic code

  • In general, a line in do-notation such as this:
    v <- funcM args

    implies that funcM has some type funcM :: argsTypes -> m a, and that v::a accordingly (the same a in both typed we've described). You might think of the binding action as calculating v, or as an alternative notion, running the monadic expression (funcM args) to get to the answer, v. In the rest of the code, we can use v anywhere we need a value of type a, because that is its type. But we can't use funcM args as if its type were a, because it's not - it represents a monadic computation that will yield something of type a when executed.

  • The notation for let bindings in do-notation is a bit different: we simply leave off the in portion, because all following lines are "after" the let line. Lets can be useful for pattern-matching something to pick it apart, naming an expression that will be used multiple times, or generally just giving things names. But note! the expression given a name by the let-binding doesn't undergo any monadic execution in the sense that a v <- funcM args line does for v. If you also need to perform the monadic action, then you can pattern-match on those as well, as long as there's only one possible pattern:
    (Just an_example) <- perforM something
  • Assume the following types of things for our next discussion, where m is some monad (such as Maybe, State, etc):
    funcM :: Int -> Int -> m Int
    func2M :: Int -> Int -> Int -> m Int
    calculateTripletM :: [Int] -> m (Int,Int,Int)
    max :: Int -> Int -> Int    -- from Prelude
    w, x, y, z :: Int
    args :: [Int]

    Consider this meaningless code (it's one big expression):

       a <- funcM w x
       b <- funcM y z
       (v1, v2, v3) <- calculateTripletM args
       let biggest = max (max v1 v2) v3
       c <- func2M a b biggest
       return (c + v2*v3)

    We see that biggest is defined with a let-binding; but that line itself doesn't do anything monadic. max(max v1 v2) v3) has no monadic types in use anywhere in there, and so biggest::Int also does nothing monadic on its own, as its type guarantees.

Datatypes, Typeclasses

1. SnocList a

A "snoclist" is like a cons-style list, except instead of storing the first and the rest, we store the init and the last item. (init is everything except the last item). Although we should be able to do everything with a snoclist as a conslist, it is more convenient to access things near the end of the list than from the beginning of the list.

data SnocList a = Lin | Snoc (SnocList a) a    deriving (Show,Ord)

These two list values are logically the same list, though of course different Haskell values:

(1 : (2 : (3 : [] )))
(Snoc (Snoc (Snoc Lin 1) 2) 3)

Specifically, they're in the same order. 1 is the first value in both list representations.

  1. instance (Eq a) => Eq (SnocList a). Implement the Eq typeclass so that a snoclist of equatable things is equivalent to another if all the items at the same positions are equivalent (==), and there are the same number of items in each list.
  2. instance Functor SnocList. (Note there's no type-variable after SnocList). Implement the Functor typeclass; to fmap a function across a snoclist will preserve the shape and apply the function at each spot in the snoclist to generate the new snoclist.
  3. snocLast :: SnocList a -> Maybe a. Given a snoclist, since it might have items in it or not, find the last item and return Just that if present; return Nothing otherwise. (This is a really short function.)
  4. snocProduct :: (Num a) => SnocList a -> a. Multiply all the ints in the snoclist together. An empty snoclist would result in 1.
  5. snocMax :: (Ord a) => SnocList a -> Maybe a. Given a snoclist of orderable things, return the largest when present. Hint: this does not particularly benefit from using Maybe as a monad; just use it like a plain datatype for this function.
  6. longestSnocSuffix :: (Eq a) => SnocList a -> SnocList a -> SnocList a. Given two snoclists, return a snoclist of the longest-matching suffix.
  7. snocZip :: SnocList a -> SnocList b -> SnocList (a,b). Given two snoclists, zip them together from the end towards the front, with the answer no longer than the shortest list of the two.
  8. snocify :: [a] -> SnocList a. Given a regular list, convert it into a snoclist. You must preserve the original ordering.
  9. unSnocify :: SnocList a -> [a]. Given a snoclist, convert it into a regular list, preserving the values and ordering.
  10. uniques :: SnocList Int -> SnocList Int. Given a snoclist of ints, return the list of items that are unique in the original snoclist; preserve ordering of the last occurrence of each unique value. (like removing earlier duplicates until the list has all unique values in it, though this isn't a great algorithm).
  11. snocReverse :: SnocList a -> SnocList a. Reverse the contents of a snoclist. You could call the built-in reverse, but it only works on regular lists, not SnocList values.

2. Tree a

We use this particular kind of tree, which has an empty constructor, a one-value constructor, and a binary-with-value constructor.

data Tree a = L | V a | Br (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving (Show)

Implement the following things:

  1. instance (Eq a) => Eq (Tree a). The two trees being compared must be the same shape with the equal values at each spot in order to be considered equal.
  2. instance (Ord a) => Ord (Tree a). Given two trees, return an Ordering value (LT, EQ, or GT) that relates them.
    • The first structural difference or value difference in an in-order traversal that differs answers when one is less than or greater than the other.
    • We define that an empty leaf is less than any non-empty leaf.
    • We define that V node is always less than a Br node.
  3. insertTree :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a. Given a value and a tree that is ordered (exhibits an ordered in-order traversal), insert the value in the first in-order position available that preserves in-order ordering. (Really, we're building an entirely new tree with the new item present in this new value, we're not actually modifying the old value).
    • to add a value to the left or right of a V, convert it into a Br and put the new value to the left or right accordingly.
    • insert a duplicate value to the left of existing matching values.
  4. inOrder :: Tree a -> [a]. Walk the tree in-order, and generate the list of values as they are visited.
  5. treeSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]. Insert all the items of a list into a tree, then walk it inOrder to get the sorted list.
  6. treeMin :: (Ord a) => Tree a -> Maybe a. Given a tree of values, give back the maybe minimum value. This tree is not guaranteed to have any internal ordering.


3. The Maybe Monad

Background setting: every class in Java should eventually reach Object when tracing up through parent classes. We will write some functions that deal with finding ancestors, most-specific shared ancestors, and so on.

You must use Maybe as a monad (e.g. with do-notation) on ancestors and leastUpperBound for full credit. Otherwise a five point deduction may be assessed. Note that on the other functions, just because we see the Maybe a type in use, that does not mean we are using it as a monad. Only when we are sequencing some failable operations would we use Maybe as a monad.

Required type synonyms: Name and FamilyTree (mentioned at top of this file).

  1. parent::Name -> FamilyTree -> Maybe Name. (not a monadic definition; will be used in one later). Given a name of a Java class, a FamilyTree to look for this class's single parent's name, dig through and either find it (returning Just the parent's name) or fail to find it (returning Nothing).
    • You don't need to use the maybe monad just yet - we're creating a function that returns a maybe-value that we can use later on).
    • first, let's use this definition in our samples:
      familyTree = [
        ("Animal", "Object"),
    • you might visualize it as this ascii forest (which also makes it clearer that Garbage and Can aren't properly descended from Object).
                   Object                 Can
                   |     \                 |
                Animal    Book           Garbage
               /       \
             Cat        Dog
          /    |        |   \
      Siamese  Calico  Pug  Labrador
    • and here are some sample runs:
      *Code> parent "Animal" familyTree
      Just "Object"
      *Code> parent "Object" familyTree
      *Code> parent "Siamese" familyTree
      Just "Cat"
      *Code> parent "Pug" familyTree
      Just "Dog"
  2. ancestors::Name -> FamilyTree -> Maybe [Name]. You must use do-notation and the Maybe monad for this recursive definition that calls upon parent to construct the list of ancestors from the given family tree. When we reach Object, we are done searching; if any step of ancestry can't find a parent, we are done (with Nothing to return).
    • if you think of it as a sequence of find-the-parent operations, it should be clearer how if any step in the chain is "broken", then there is no valid list of ancestors to report. Since we are requiring the ancestry to end up at Object, if the end of the lineage isn't Object that's a way to fail.
    • so, one special corner case: ancestors of "Object" should be Just [].
      *Code> ancestors "Dog" familyTree
      Just ["Animal","Object"]
      *Code> ancestors "Book" familyTree
      Just ["Object"]
      *Code> ancestors "Garbage" familyTree
      *Code> ancestors "Calico" familyTree
      Just ["Cat","Animal","Object"]
      *Code> ancestors "NotEvenPresent" familyTree
  3. headMaybe::[a] -> Maybe a. (not a monadic function; will be used in one later). Given a list, return Just the first item if it exists, otherwise Nothing.
    *Code> headMaybe []
    *Code> headMaybe [5]
    Just 5
    *Code> headMaybe [5,10,15]
    Just 5
  4. leastUpperBound::Name -> Name -> FamilyTree -> Maybe Name. You must use do-notation and the Maybe monad for this definition. Given two names, what is the most specific type that they share in their chains of inheritance? Either one might not have successfully been mapped all the way to Object, yielding Nothing.
    • each Name needs to have successful ancestry, or the whole calculation will fail. But once you have those, the rest of the effort is to simply compare those two ancestry lists and give back an answer (which shouldn't fail); this means we aren't chaining together more failable steps, just doing one big-ish calculation at the end. Either a non-monadic helper function, or a bigger inline expression, should finish this one off.
    • Watch out for when one is a subtype of the other!
    • hint: though not required, you might find use for some of your SnocList definitions here…
      *Code> leastUpperBound "Pug" "Calico" familyTree
      Just "Animal"
      *Code> leastUpperBound "Pug" "Animal" familyTree
      Just "Animal"
      *Code> leastUpperBound "Pug" "Book" familyTree
      Just "Object"
      *Code> leastUpperBound "Pug" "Garbage" familyTree
      *Code> leastUpperBound "NOTFOUND" "Book" familyTree

4. The State Monad

  1. First, a warmup. We write something using State, and then we write the "driver" function that runs it (and has a plainer type, no mention of State, just Int->Int).
    • tribM::Int -> State (Int,Int,Int) Int . (Note the return type is shaped like State _ _; that informs you that you will need to write this with do-notation, assuming you don't want to do the deep dive into >>= usage). This is strikingly similar to our in-class presentation of fibonacci with the State monad. We accept one int argument n, and we will use the State monad to store the three previous tribonacci numbers as the state. We eventually return the nth tribonacci item when we're done recursing on smaller and smaller values for n.
      • The first three values in the sequence are all 1. (Indexes 0, 1, 2).
    • trib::Int -> Int . Use runState or evalState to successfully run your tribM definition and return that nth tribonacci number.
  2. Balanced Things We will analyze a string to check if all parentheses, braces, angle brackets, and square brackets are well nested. (Other characters are allowed/ignored throughout). We allow strings of any characters, and ensure that all parentheses (), braces {}, angled brackets <>, and square brackets [] are legally balanced. This means we ignore all other characters other than those eight, and then also enforce that each opening of any kind is closed by the matching kind of close, and in the same nested order as they were opened.
    simpleBalanced::String -> Bool
    non-monadic version. You learn the calculations involved in a supposedly more familiar environment. You may want to use helper functions here.
     *Code> simpleBalanced "(){}<>[]"
    *Code> simpleBalanced "(([{}])[<>]<>{})"
    *Code> simpleBalanced "(others [are] allowed)"
    *Code> simpleBalanced "(()"      -- needed another close-)
    *Code> simpleBalanced "([)]"     -- these are tangled, not nested.
    *Code> simpleBalanced ""
    balancedM::String -> State [Char] Bool
    monadic version that stores a stack of unclosed pairings that have been opened earlier in the string; the Bool result answers if the entire string is balanced or not.
    • treat the stored state, [Char], like a stack. Push things onto it sometimes, and require things successfully pop off when needed.
    • you might enjoy making helpers that push and pop, but ultimately your "stack" manipulation will happen via uses of the standard get and put methods from the MonadState typeclass, like in our class examples.
    • while it might not ultimately look much prettier, the goal is to see a stateful style of computation, where the stack of unmatched things is maintained and modified as we go through the list.
    balanced::String -> Bool
    Use balancedM definition here to implement the same functionality as simpleBalanced.
    *Code> balanced "(){}[]"
    *Code> balanced "[[]"
    *Code> balanced "[(])"
    *Code> balanced "[others {are} okay]"

5. The List Monad

Use do-notation and the list monad to calculate each of the following. Some of them may be quite short definitions. It's okay to make helper functions and call them inside, as long as you're still doing list-monadic things in the main definitions. Although list comprehensions are quite similar, you will not get credit if you turn in list comprehension solutions.

  1. divisors :: Int -> [Int]. finds all the divisors of the first argument. Start by building the list of all candidate divisors (e.g. [a..b] syntax), and the list monad should be picking each one and guarding for which ones are actually divisors.
    *Code> divisors 12
    *Code> divisors 1
    *Code> divisors 100
    *Code> divisors 1117
    *Code> divisors 1119
  2. geometric :: Int -> Int -> [Int]. Given a starting value and a factor, generates the infinite sequence of numbers produced by multiplying previous values by the factor.
    • hint: find a smallish example, draw out the first few terms by hand, and look for a hidden arithmetic sequence. That is to say, if you had an arithmetic sequence, how could you use it to build this geometric sequence?
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 1 5
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 2 5
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 5 1
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 5 2
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 0 4
    *Code> take 6 $ geometric 4 (-1)
  3. mersennes :: [Int]. The (infinite) list of Mersenne numbers M_1, M_2, M_3, … . They are not all prime, though the largest prime number known happens to be a Mersenne number. Each Mersenne number is of the form M_n = 2^n - 1.
    mersennes == [1,3,7,15,31,63,127,...]
  4. unitTriangles :: Int -> [(Int,Int,Int)]. All sides of a triangle must be less than the sum of the other two legs (or else they couldn't reach each other). Given an upper limit n, create all the triplets of triangle side lengths that are whole numbers, from shortest to longest.
    • note: the tester will sort the list before comparing, so it doesn't matter if you generate the items in quite the same order. But don't have duplicates present.