Grades are based on homeworks, a midterm, a project, and a take-home final.
Grades will be numerical on the scale 0-100. Your final numerical grade, G, is computed as follows:
G =  0.10 * Homeworks + 0.30 * Midterm + 0.30 * Final + 0.30 * Project

The following table is used to convert the final numerical grade to a letter grade:
letter grade
[97,100]  A+
[93,97)  A
[88,93)  A-
[85,88)  B+
[81,85)  B
[77,81)  B-
[65, 77)  C
< 65  F

There is no curving. No extra credit assignments will be given after the semester is over to increase grades. The instructor may decide to give an extra-credit assignment during the semester. Everyone will be given the opportunity to do the extra-credit assignment.