// Introduction to Software Testing // Authors: Paul Ammann & Jeff Offutt // Chapter 7; page ?? // Can be run from command line // No JUnit tests at this time. // Program to compute the quadratic root for two numbers import java.lang.Math; public class Quadratic { private static double Root1, Root2; public static void main (String[] argv) { int X, Y, Z; boolean ok; if (argv.length == 3) { try { // The book has a typo in this example, // argv[] must start at 0, not 1. // This version has been corrected. X = Integer.parseInt (argv[0]); Y = Integer.parseInt (argv[1]); Z = Integer.parseInt (argv[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println ("Inputs not three integers, using 8, 10, -33."); X = 8; Y = 10; Z = -33; } } else { System.out.println ("Inputs not three integers, using 8, 10, -33."); X = 8; Y = 10; Z = -33; } ok = Root (X, Y, Z); if (ok) System.out.println ("Quadratic: Root 1 = " + Root1 + ", Root 2 = " + Root2); else System.out.println ("No solution."); } // Finds the quadratic root, A must be non-zero private static boolean Root (int A, int B, int C) { double D; boolean Result; D = (double)(B*B) - (double)(4.0*A*C); if (D < 0.0) { Result = false; return (Result); } Root1 = (double) ((-B + Math.sqrt(D)) / (2.0*A)); Root2 = (double) ((-B - Math.sqrt(D)) / (2.0*A)); Result = true; return (Result); } // End method Root } // End class Quadratic