SWE 205 Assignment 5, Due Thursday February 22, 2024

  1. Consider two digital services your group has used within the last week. The goal here is to find two services, one on each end of the excise spectrum. Don't use the same person for both interfaces. If possible, choose interfaces that implement the same functionality and use case. Doing so will make your solution more compelling and coherent (and hence likely to score better).
  2. Describe a (simple) use-case with the interface that has excessive excise. Tag each task in the use-case as "excise" or "goal-directed".
  3. Repeat for the interface that has the very little excise.
  4. Analyze excise/revenue:
As usual, I don't want duplication. Claim your interfaces on Piazza in a suitable thread.

Your group should be prepared to present your solution to the class. You should consider using a demo of the interfaces instead of just showing screen shots.