SWE 205 Assignment 6
Spring 2024
Designing for Scanning

Krug Chapters 2 and 3 explain how web pages are used and how web pages should be designed to support such use. I want you to find a reasonable web page that nonetheless could be improved by following some of Krug's specific guidelines. For reference, these guidelines are:

You should produce two artifacts:
  1. A screenshot of the original page.
  2. A redesigned page that uses some number of Krug's guidelines.
You also need a commentary that explains the changes. This can be a separate document or some form of commenting on the two prior artifacts. Be clear about what changes were made, and why the changes implement specific guidelines from Krug.

Post your solution on Piazza. Be prepared to share your example with the class.

As usual, I don't want duplication. Claim your web page on Piazza in a suitable thread.