SWE 432 Homework 7
Fall 2009
JavaScript: Due October 22

The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with JavaScript. This assignment, and most, if not all, of the following asssignments will be to use a specific technology to build (and rebuild) a small web application.

The Application

The application is a vocabulary builder. A vocabular builder might be appropriate for learning words in a foreign language. Or, it might be useful for a grade school child who is learning spelling.

Here is the minimal sample usage: A user is prompted with a word or phrase in his or her native language. The user types in the corresponding word or phrase in a specific foreign language. The application then checks the correctness of the response, and lets the user know how he or she did (with properly designed error messages, of course.)

There are many, many ancillary functions that can potentially be provided: scoring, selection of vocabulary, tolerance of user glitches in inputs, support for non ascii charactersets, selection of language, randomization of word presentation, etc. You should start with basic functionality, probably with just a few trial words, and add carefully selected additional functionality as your expertise increases. In terms of grading, it is better to have a small working system than an overly ambitious buggy system. Since this is how users "grade" web sites in practice, the grading criterion is sound.

For this week, use JavaScript to implement a vocabulary builder.

Deploy your vocabulary builder in the usual way: use the website where you have been submitting assignments.

Grading: Nonworking implementations will not receive any credit. A minimal, but (mostly) working implementation will receive 8 or 9 points. For full credit, avoid bugs and exceed the minimal requirements by some identifiable delta.

As with assignment 6, a paper copy of your assignment is required if you are present in class. If you are absent, a paper copy is not required. (1 point)