SWE 432 Homework 10
Fall 2009
Servlets: Due November 12

The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with Servlets. As with the previous assignment, the application is a vocabulary builder. This week, you should build an improved vocabulary builder with Servlets and deploy it on the Hermes Cluster.

Grading: Nonworking implementations will not receive any credit. A minimal, but working implementation will receive 7 to 9 points. For full credit, use servlets, follow decent usability standards, avoid bugs, and exceed the minimal requirements by some identifiable delta. Really super solutions are eligible for a bonus point.

Provide links that make it easy for the GTA to access all of the various files that your solution uses. (1 point)

As with previous assignments, a paper copy of your assignment is required if you are present in class. If you are absent, a paper copy is not required. (1 point)

Update: Friday, November 6

For those students interested in using Ajax in this assignment, you should be aware that Ajax imposes rules on the relation between the URL of a loaded page and URLs that may be called through Ajax. (Violations of this policy result in a security exception when the open() method is called on the XMLHttpRequest object.)

To help you navigate this, I have put together a servlet variant of the suggest program. It's not a very smart variant; it just reports that it can't think of a suggestion. But it does handle the Ajax call in a way that satisfies the security mechanism. Files are:

You can access a