SWE 432 Homework 12
Fall 2009
XML: Due December 3

The purpose of this assignment is to help you become more familiar with XML. As with the previous assignment, the application is a vocabulary builder. This week, you should build an improved vocabulary builder with XML and deploy it on the Hermes Cluster.

The most logical use of XML in this application is to store word/definition associations. You should provide either a dtd or a schema for your xml and run an XML validator. You can use combine XML with whatever technology you wish (eg parse in JavaScript, PHP, or Java).

Grading: Nonworking implementations will not receive any credit. A minimal, but working implementation will receive 7 to 9 points. For full credit, use XML, follow decent usability standards, avoid bugs, and exceed the minimal requirements by some identifiable delta. Really super solutions are eligible for a bonus point.

Provide links that make it easy for the GTA to access all of the various files that your solution uses. (1 point)

As with previous assignments, a paper copy of your assignment is required if you are present in class. If you are absent, a paper copy is not required. (1 point)

Alternate Assignment As I mentioned in class last week, I am open to an alternate assignment to replace assignments 12 and 13. This assignment must use Android. The mechanism for this assignment is that I will accept proposals from individuals (or groups of two persons). It is your job to convince me that your proposal has merit. Your proposal should include a motivation, a statement of work and evaluation criteria. For students/teams that submit a successful proposal, I will expect a presentation of the project in my office during the last week of classes (eg before or on December 10).