Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science

CSCI 6963/4963: E-Commerce, Social Networks, and Collective Intelligence

Spring 2010

Homework 3: Due April 5, in class

Submit a 2-3 page proposal for your final project. Describe the problem, how it relates to the class, and your plan of attack. Remember that the main final deliverable is a paper, written in the style of academic papers. What will your project focus on? Will it largely summarize the literature? Re-create a result from the literature? Investigate a new problem? Would you prefer to focus on data, theory, or simulation?

I encourage you to meet with me and discuss your ideas prior to submitting the proposal. You may work in teams of up to 2 students for this proposal and the project itself. The proposal is itself a graded assignment, so please take it seriously and produce a document you are happy submitting!

Last modified: Wed Mar 17 16:15:19 EDT 2010