Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

DCDS 500: Computational and Data Sciences Exploration

Spring 2020




Instructors: Sanmay Das and Patrick Fowler


Detailed policies are in the official syllabus. However, a couple of things are worth stressing. This is a graduate seminar. We expect regular attendance, participation, and engagement. You will learn as much from each other as from us.


There are two textbooks for this class, in addition to readings in PDF format that we will make available. The two textbooks are The Book of Why by Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie and Local Justice by Jon Elster.


Prerequisites: Enrollment as a DCDS Ph.D. student or permission of instructor.


Class meets on Thursdays from 1:00 PM to 3:50 PM in Jolley 517 (except Week 1, when we will meet in 431).
Date Topics Readings Extras
Jan 16 Introduction. Course overview. Doing responsible science and data science. Oppenheimer (1945), Wolpert (1989), Weiner (1960), Samuel (1960)