Developing Waba Applications for the Newton

If you're a fair Java programmer, then developing Waba apps is snap. To begin, you'll probably want to download the developer documentation and tools at Another good site to check out for help is Here are some resources to help you out for Waba for the Newton:

waba.jar, extra.jar, newton.jar
Jar files, including source code, for the three main class libraries (Waba, Waba Extras, and the NSWabaAPI). Stick these in your CLASSPATH.
A Jar file for the wababin.Warp, wababin.Exegen, and wababin.GUI development tools, including source. Stick this in your CLASSPATH as well.
Class Docs
Class Documentation for the aforementioned libraries.
Waba for Newton Diffs
Differences between Waba for the Newton and ordinary Waba.
Some short discussion about the NSWabaAPI.
Two simple example applications which demonstrate use of the NSWabaAPI. Other good example applications are on Sean's Waba Apps Page.
Developing on MacOS X
A run-through for developing Waba apps using the BSD shell on MacOS X by Sean Luke
Developing under Win32
A run-through for developing Waba apps using Win32 by Victor Rehorst