!!!! F10, F11, F12, Eject keycode 0x4c = Home onesuperior oneeighth onequarter keycode 0x5f = End twosuperior threeeighths onehalf keycode 0x60 = Page_Up threesuperior fiveeighths threequarters keycode 0xfd = Page_Down NoSymbol seveneighths NoSymbol !!!! Mac Compatability more or less keysym bracketleft = bracketleft braceleft leftdoublequotemark rightdoublequotemark keysym bracketright = bracketright braceright leftsinglequotemark rightsinglequotemark keysym backslash = backslash bar guillemotleft guillemotright keysym 1 = 1 exclam exclamdown NoSymbol keysym 2 = 2 at trademark EuroSign ! Single angle braket quotes don't have an equivalent on the ! Nokia I believe. :-( keysym 3 = 3 numbersign sterling NoSymbol keysym 4 = 4 dollar cent currency ! Not bothering with fi and fl keysym 5 = 5 percent infinity NoSymbol keysym 6 = 6 asciicircum section NoSymbol keysym 7 = 7 ampersand paragraph doubledagger keysym 8 = 8 asterisk enfilledcircbullet degree keysym 9 = 9 parenleft ordfeminine periodcentered ! Not bothering with the superlow comma keysym 0 = 0 parenright masculine NoSymbol ! Can't do a hyphen instead of a minus here: I may need ! to map hyphen elsewhere keysym minus = minus underscore endash emdash keysym equal = equal plus notequal plusminus keysym comma = comma less lessthanequal NoSymbol keysym period = period greater greaterthanequal NoSymbol keysym b = b B integral NoSymbol keysym d = d D Greek_delta Greek_DELTA ! we do Delta on j also. keysym g = g G copyright acute keysym h = h H enopensquarebullet filledrectbullet keysym j = j J enfilledsqbullet enopencircbullet keysym n = n N filledtribulletup leftarrow keysym m = m M filledtribulletdown rightarrow keysym l = l L notsign Lstroke keysym p = p P Greek_pi Greek_PI keysym q = q Q oe OE keysym r = r R registered numerosign keysym v = v V squareroot NoSymbol keysym w = w W Greek_SIGMA doublelowquotemark keysym x = x X approxeq multiply keysym y = y Y yen NoSymbol keysym z = z Z Greek_omega Greek_OMEGA keysym slash = slash question division questiondown keysym apostrophe = apostrophe quotedbl ae AE keysym semicolon = semicolon colon ellipsis diaeresis !!!! Italian ! I can't do compositions like I can on the mac. That ! is most frustrating. So what I am going to do is just ! have grave accents on the ALTGR and put e-acute on f keysym a = a A agrave Agrave keysym e = e E egrave Egrave keysym f = f F eacute Eacute keysym i = i I igrave Igrave keysym o = o O ograve Ograve keysym u = u U ugrave Ugrave !!!! Two Nokia symbols (also on the Mac) whose !!!! standard Mac position conflicts with my !!!! Italian configuration above are acute (normally opt-s-e) !!!! moved to opt-s-g !!!! and diaeresis (two dots, normally opt-s-u) !!!! moved to opt-s-; !!!! Add Enter, Backtab, and Delete keysym Return = Return KP_Enter Return KP_Enter keysym Tab = Tab ISO_Left_Tab Tab ISO_Left_Tab keysym BackSpace = BackSpace Delete BackSpace Delete !!!! for good measure remove Control = Control_R clear Mod1 clear Mod2 clear Mod3 clear Mod4 clear Mod5 !!!!! Left command -> Control ! This enables me to say command-x rather than ctl-x :-) ! Of course it doesn't help me in Xterm for cutting :-) ! But then nothing would. ! Note, there appear to be two Super_L's -- ours is 0x73 ! but don't worry about it add Control = Super_L !!!!!! Set left alt -> Mode_switch keycode 0x40 = Mode_switch add Mod5 = Mode_switch !!!!! Set right command -> Multi_key ! Sadly this doesn't appear to work at all. keycode 0x74 = Multi_key !!!!! Set right alt -> Alt ! This is mostly helpful for a few applications which use ! alt as their menu key. Rare though. keycode 0x71 = Alt_L add Mod1 = Alt_L !!!!! Nokia symbol stuff that doesn't appear to be !!!!! in the xkeysym symbol tables !! O/oo (so-called per mille or perthousand sign !! option-shift-r on mac !!!!! Mac symbols I was hoping to include but !!!!! weren't in the xkeysym symbol tables !! outlined diamond ("lozenge") !! option-shift-v on mac !! I didn't put on all the accents of course either, !! just the italian ones.