import toolkit import gtk import string import random import math import os # Flashcards # By Sean Luke, Copyright 2007 # Distributed under the Academic Free License 3.0 # # # This application expect that you have one or more flashcard files located in the # directory "flash", which is in turn located in your Documents directory. # The files can be anywhere in the "flash" directory or in a subdirectory of # it, and other files can be there as well: the Flashcards app only looks for # flashcard files. # # A flashcard file ends in the extension ".flashcard". Its format is simple: a text # file whose first line is the "title" of the flashcard (to be displayed in the window), # whose second line is a number from 0.0 to 1.0, indicating aggressiveness for this file # (you should start with 0.5; FlashCards will change it later), and whose third and additional # lines are flashcard entries. # # A flashcard entry is simply two strings separated by a tab. The first string is the "question" # and the second string is the "answer". For example: il padredad # The order of the entries matters: earlier entries are more likely to be selected than later # ones. The degree to which the application will follow this rule, rather than pick at random, # is determined by the aggressiveness value of the flashcard deck. As you get cards correct, or # incorrect, the application will move them up or down in the ordering so they're more or less # likely to be selected in the future. Thus the application will modify your flashcard files: # be prepared for this eventuality. class Deck: dirty = False #Warning: these don't get set to new values -- you have to do that in initialization, #so if everyone appends to them it's just one big array. Nasty bug. questions = [] answers = [] filename = None error = None name = "" aggressiveness = 0.5 index = 0 questionsOnly = False def open(self,filename): self.questions = [] self.answers = [] self.filename = filename fil = open(self.filename, "r") # First read in the name = fil.readline().strip() # Next read in the aggressiveness line = fil.readline() try: self.aggressiveness = float(fil.readline()) except ValueError: if self.error!= None: self.error = "Aggressiveness line (second line in file) is not a number:\n%s" % line # Now read in the lines for line in fil.readlines(): lin = line.strip() if len(lin) > 0 and lin[0] != '%': s = lin.split("\t") l = len(s) if (l == 2): self.questions.append(s[0].strip()) self.answers.append(s[1].strip()) elif self.error == None: self.error = "Line Must have exactly one tab:\n%s" % line fil.close() return self def save(self): if self.dirty: fil = open(self.filename, "w") fil.write("%s\n" % fil.write("%s\n" % self.aggressiveness) for i in range(len(self.questions)): fil.write("%s\t%s\n" % (self.questions[i], self.answers[i])) fil.close() self.dirty = False return self def reinsert(self, index, newindex): if newindex < 0: newindex = 0 if newindex >= len(self.questions): newindex = len(self.questions) - 1 q = self.questions[index] self.questions = self.questions[:index] + self.questions[index+1:] self.questions = self.questions[:newindex] + [q] + self.questions[newindex:] a = self.answers[index] self.answers = self.answers[:index] + self.answers[index+1:] self.answers = self.answers[:newindex] + [a] + self.answers[newindex:] self.dirty = True return self def pickRandom(self): i1 = random.random()*len(self.questions) if (random.random() < self.aggressiveness): i2 = random.random()*len(self.questions) return int(min(i1,i2)) else: return int(i1) def getCard(self): self.index = self.pickRandom() return self #(self.questions[self.index], self.answers[self.index]) def correct(self): self.reinsert(self.index, self.index + int(math.ceil((len(self.questions) - self.index - 1) / 2.0))) return self def incorrect(self): self.reinsert(self.index, self.index /2) return self def setAggressiveness(self, value): self.aggressiveness = value def endsIn(str, substr): "Returns true if str ends in substr" return str.rfind(substr) == len(str) - len(substr) def allFlashFiles(): "Generator for all files which end in '.flashcard'" for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath("/home/user/MyDocs/.documents/flash")): for file in files: if endsIn(os.path.join(path, file), ".flashcard"): yield os.path.join(path, file) def buildFlashCards(): decks = [] for filename in allFlashFiles(): print filename decks.append(Deck().open(filename)) return decks def showOne(deck, question, answer, showQuestion=False): question.label.set_markup(" ") answer.label.set_markup(" ") if random.random() < 0.5 or showQuestion==True: question.label.set_markup("%s" % deck.questions[deck.index]) else: answer.label.set_markup("%s" % deck.answers[deck.index]) def showBoth(deck, question, answer): question.label.set_markup(" ") answer.label.set_markup(" ") question.label.set_markup("%s" % deck.questions[deck.index]) answer.label.set_markup("%s" % deck.answers[deck.index]) def setQuestionForm(deck, form): if form==0: deck.questionsOnly = False else: deck.questionsOnly = True def buildButtons(deck, question, answer): yes = toolkit.Button("Yes", action=lambda state: showOne(deck.correct().getCard(), question, answer)) no = toolkit.Button("No", action=lambda state: showOne(deck.incorrect().getCard(), question, answer)) show = toolkit.Button("Show", action=lambda state: showBoth(deck, question, answer)) s = toolkit.Slider(currentValue=deck.aggressiveness, action=lambda value: deck.setAggressiveness(value)) val = 0 # For now this isn't persistent :-( if deck.questionsOnly == True: val = 1 both = toolkit.Button(["Both", "Question"], currentValue = val, action=lambda value: setQuestionForm(deck, value)) showOne(deck, question, answer) return [yes, no, show, s, both] decks = buildFlashCards() toolkit.loadPersistenceData("/home/user/MyDocs/.documents/flash/persistenceData") n = toolkit.Notebook(name="decks") w = toolkit.MainWindow("Flash Cards", child=n) for deck in decks: v = toolkit.Box(vertical=True) n.add(v, question = toolkit.Label(" ", wrappable=True) answer = toolkit.Label(" ", wrappable=True) v.add(question) v.add(answer) h = toolkit.Box() v.add(h, expand=True) # I have to do this because variables inside a for loop aren't by # default local. Stupid stupid stupid. yes, no, show, s, both = buildButtons(deck, question, answer) h.add(yes, expand=True) h.add(no, expand=True) h.add(show, expand=True) h2 = toolkit.Box() v.add(h2) h2.add(toolkit.Label("Aggressiveness")) h2.add(s, expand=True) h2.add(both) gtk.main() for deck in decks: toolkit.savePersistenceData()