
I am an Assistant Professor at George Mason University. My research interests are in Software Engineering, with a focus on Software Testing and Analysis, AI and Software Engineering, Software Evolution, and Software Dependability. Recent topics include detecting and fixing flaky tests, generating test inputs, testing mobile apps, optimizing continuous development, and improving software engineering education.

I obtained a PhD from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Bachelor's in Computer Science with Distinction from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.

I am looking for self-motivated students with a strong academic background in Software Engineering, Machine Learning, or Programming Languages. Please apply to GMU CS and send me your CV as a link. More information can be found here (Chinese version available here).


Recent Publications

  1. “AURORA: Navigating UI Tarpits via Automated Neural Screen Understanding”
    by Safwat Ali Khan, Wenyu Wang, Yiran Ren, Bin Zhu, Jiangfan Shi, Wing Lam, and Kevin Moran.
    In ICST 2024, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, (Toronto, Canada), 2024.

  2. “Automatically Reproducing Timing-Dependent Flaky-Test Failures”
    by Shanto Rahman, Aaron Massey, Wing Lam, August Shi, and Jonathan Bell.
    In ICST 2024, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, (Toronto, Canada), 2024.

  3. “Optimizing Continuous Development By Detecting and Preventing Unnecessary Content Generation”
    by Talank Baral, Shanto Rahman, Bala Naren Chanumolu, Basak Balci, Tuna Tuncer, August Shi, and Wing Lam.
    In ASE 2023, Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (Kirchberg, Luxembourg), 2023.
    Download: PDF, Google slides.

  4. “Systematically Producing Test-Orders to Detect Order-Dependent Flaky Tests”
    by Chengpeng Li, Mahdi Khosravi, Wing Lam, and August Shi.
    In ISSTA 2023, Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, (Seattle, WA, USA), 2023.
    Download: PDF, PowerPoint slides.

  5. “ChatGPT and Software Testing Education: Promises & Perils”
    by Sajed Jalil, Suzzana Rafi, Thomas D. LaToza, Kevin Moran, and Wing Lam.
    In TestEd 2023, 2nd Software Testing Education Workshop, (Dublin, Ireland), 2023.
    Download: PDF, PowerPoint slides.

  6. “iPFlakies: A Framework for Detecting and Fixing Python Order-Dependent Flaky Tests”
    by Ruixin Wang, Yang Chen, and Wing Lam.
    In ICSE 2022 Demonstrations Track, Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), 2022.
    Download: PDF, Website.

Recent Service

Last updated on March 18th, 2024.