CVS Setup for OS/161

The following instructions describe how to create a CVS source code repository in the student.cs computing environment.

These instructions assume that you have already followed Step 1 (setting up your environment) and Step 2 (obtaining OS/161 source code) from the OS/161 Installation Guide, and that you have not yet followed Step 3 (Configure and Build). This is because we want to create a CVS repository that contains the OS/161 source code, but not all of the other junk that gets created when you configure and build.

Step 1: Create and Initialize a CVS Repository

First, create a directory to hold the repository:

mkdir ~/cvsroot

and set your CVSROOT environment variable to indicate where your repository will be located. Users of csh or tcsh should do

setenv CVSROOT ~/os161/cvsroot/

while users of bash should do

export CVSROOT

You should make these settings take effect every time you log in by including the above commands in your .cshrc file (for csh or tcsh users) or your .bashrc file (for bash) users.

By setting CVSROOT, you can avoid having to pass the -d parameter to many cvs commands.

Now, initialize your repository:

cvs init

CVS knows where to find your repository by looking at the value of CVSROOT

Step 2: Import the OS/161 Source Code into CVS

Now, import the source code (which you have already copied into your account) into your repository:

cd ~/os161/os161-1.11
cvs import -m "Import of os161" os161-1.11 os161 os161-1_11

You can alter the arguments as you like; here's a quick explanation:

-m "Initial import of os161" is the log message that CVS records. (If you don't specify it on the command line, it will start up a text editor). os161-1.11 the CVS project name. It will also be the name that you specify when you check out your source code. os161 is the "branch tag." You needn't worry about the full implications of this; think of it as giving CVS a name to help you remember from where you got this code. os161-1_11 is the name of the version of the code that you are importing. (Always use the actual version, whatever it is. Replace dots with underscores.) You can use this name later with cvs diff and other CVS commands.

Step 3: Check Out a Working Copy of the OS/161 Source

Now that you've checked the OS/161 source code into the CVS repository, you can get rid of the original source code copy that you checked in. Your code's permanent home is now in the repository.

cd ..
rm -rf os161-1.11

Finally, replace the code that you just deleted with a working copy of the code. To get a working copy, you check it out of the repository:

cvs checkout os161-1.11

Now, the directory ~/os161/os161-1.11 should exist, and it should contain your working copy of the OS/161 source code. The working copy should look just like the original source code that you checked in, except that you should notice an extra CVS directory in every directory of your source tree. These directories are where CVS keeps some of the meta-data that it used to link your working copy back to the master copy in the repository.

Step 4: Sharing Your Repository (optional)

If you are working in a group, it is a good idea for all group members to share access to a single CVS repository. Once you have a group id assigned to your group, you can follow the instructions for CVS sharing. If you are to be the only one accessing your repository, you can skip this step. If you are currently solo but will working in a group for a later assignment, you can come back to this step later once your group id is known.

Next Steps

At this point, your repository is set up and you have a working copy checked out and ready to go. If you are not too familiar with CVS, you should read the document Using CVS for an overview. Comprehensive documentation is available at