Understanding System Calls

In this document, we walk through the functions and steps that are involved in (a) starting a user-level program, (b) handling system calls in the OS, and (c) invoking system calls at the user-level.

You should read this document together with the OS/161 source code files that it refers to. For maximum benefit, you should run OS/161 under the control of the debugger, and be able to browse the source code, while working through this document.

In a real operating system, the kernel's main function is to provide support for user-level programs. Most such support is accessed via "system calls." We give you one system call, reboot(), which is implemented in the function sys_reboot() in src/kern/main/main.c. In GDB, if you put a breakpoint on sys_reboot and run the "reboot" program (by typing "p /sbin/reboot" at the OS/161 menu prompt), you can use "backtrace" to see how it got there.

User level programs

Our System/161 simulator can run normal programs compiled from C. The programs are compiled with a cross-compiler, cs161-gcc. This compiler runs on the host machine and produces MIPS executables; it is the same compiler used to compile the OS/161 kernel. To create new user programs, you will need to edit the Makefile in bin, sbin, or testbin (depending on where you put your programs) and then create a directory similar to those that already exist. Use an existing program and its Makefile as a template. You will want to create new user-level test programs that use the system calls you are adding.

Getting to user-mode (starting a user-level program)

Examine kern/main/menu.c to see how the "p" menu command is handled. This command allows us to load and execute a single user-level program. We will describe this in great detail, most of which is not of critical importance for this assignment. You will need to understand this eventually, however, and the sooner the better.

The menu() function loops forever printing the menu prompt, getting a string from the console, and calling menu_execute to handle the input. Looking at menu_execute, we see that it separates the input into individual commands (indicated by a semi-colon) and then calls cmd_dispatch for each command. In cmd_dispatch, the name of the command is separated from its arguments, and the name is looked up in the cmdtable data structure. This table stores the string name of each menu command and a function pointer to the function that should handle that command.

Looking at the cmdtable declaration, we find that the "p" command is handled by calling the cmd_prog function. This function simply strips off the "p" part and passes the rest of the input to the common_prog function. Looking at common_prog we see that it calls thread_fork, creating a new thread to run the specified user-level program. Following this call to thread_fork, our system has 2 threads - the initial boot thread that runs the menu() loop, and this new thread that runs the requested user-level program. You can look at kern/thread/thread.c to see what thread_fork() does, but the important thing right now is that the fourth argument to thread_fork specifies the function that the new thread should start executing (in this case, cmd_progthread), and the second and third arguments to thread_fork are the arguments to pass to that function (in this case, the name of the program to load). The cmd_progthread function calls runprogram, passing it the name of the program to load and execute. Note that if runprogram is successful, the thread will continue with the execution of the user-level program and will never return to cmd_progthread. Now let's consider how runprogram operates.

The kern/userprog directory contains the files that are responsible for the loading and running of user-level programs. Currently, the only files in the directory are loadelf.c, runprogram.c, and uio.c. (During this assignment, you should add the file simple_syscalls.c to this directory.) Understanding these files will be very important in future assignments, but for the time being, a basic understanding of how a user program is loaded and executed is sufficient.

runprogram.c: This file contains only one function, runprogram(), which is responsible for running a program from the kernel menu. It uses the virtual file system operations to open the file containing the program we want to load, creates an address space for the thread, and loads the program into that address space, using the load_elf function. If loading the program is successful, runprogram then sets up the user stack area in the address space, and calls md_usermode to switch to user mode and start running the user program. (You will be learning more about how md_usermode works later this term. Essentially, it does some setup so that a "return from exception" takes control to the entry point of the user program, even though we did not enter the kernel through an exception.)

Other files in the userprog directory:

loadelf.c: This file contains the functions responsible for loading an ELF executable from the filesystem and into virtual memory space. (ELF is the name of the executable format produced by cs161-gcc.) Of course, at this point this virtual memory space does not provide what is normally meant by virtual memory -- although there is translation between the addresses that executables "believe" they are using and physical addresses, there is no mechanism for providing more memory than exists physically. We recommend not stressing about this until Assignment 3.

uio.c: This file contains functions for moving data between kernel and user space. Knowing when and how to cross this boundary is critical to properly implementing userlevel programs, so this is a good file to read very carefully. You should also examine the code in lib/copyinout.c. You should be using copyinstr to get the string to be printed from the user address when implementing the final system call.

Once a user program is running, it requests service from the OS using system calls. We now take a closer look at these.

Getting to system mode: traps and syscalls (kern/arch/mips/mips)

Exceptions are the key to operating systems; they are the mechanism that enables the OS to regain control of execution and therefore do its job. You can think of exceptions as the interface between the processor and the operating system. When the OS boots, it installs an "exception handler" (carefully crafted assembly code) at a specific address in memory. When the processor raises an exception, it invokes this, which sets up a "trap frame" and calls into the operating system. The business of initializing the trap frame and returning from an exception is all done in assembly code, and can be found in kern/arch/mips/mips/exception.S. You don't need to be able to read MIPS assembly code, but the comments in this file are reasonably good. You can see how all the registers are saved ("sw" == "store word"), followed by a call to the mips_trap function ("jal" == "jump and link" == function call). On return from mips_trap, all of the saved state is restored ("lw" == "load word") and execution resumes at the point where the exception occurred.

Looking at the definition of struct trapframe in kern/arch/mips/include, we can see that a trap frame includes space to save all the processor registers that the user program might have been using, as well as some additional state that identifies the cause of the exception (the "tf_cause" field), and the instruction that was being executed when the exception occurred (the "tf_epc" field -- note that epc == "Exception PC" == contents of the program counter register when the exception occurred).

Note that since "exception" is such an overloaded term in computer science, operating system lingo for an exception is a "trap" -- when the OS traps execution. Interrupts are exceptions, and more significantly for this assignment, so are system calls. Specifically, syscall.c handles traps that happen to be system calls.

mips_trap() in kern/arch/mips/mips/trap.c is the key function for returning control to the operating system. This is the C function that gets called by the assembly language exception handler. It includes code to determine what type of exception occurred, and to dispatch an appropriate handler. If the exception code is EX_SYS, then mips_syscall is called to handle the system call, passing it the trapframe.

mips_syscall() in kern/arch/mips/mips/syscall.c is the function that delegates the actual work of a system call to the kernel function that implements it. Read the comments at the top of this file carefully! In mips_syscall, we begin by extracting the system call number from the trapframe's tf_v0 field. This means that the system call number was stored in register v0 prior to executing the syscall instruction. Then we simply switch on the system call number, with a separate "case" to handle each possible system call. Notice that reboot() is the only case currently handled. These system call numbers are all defined in kern/include/kern/callno.h. You should add new entries to this file for the system calls that you are creating for this assignment.

Following the switch statement, we prepare to return from the system call. The user-level side of the system call expects to find the result of the system call in register v0, with register a3 indicating whether or not an error occurred. We accomplish this by setting the appropriate fields in the trapframe, which will be loaded into the machine registers before returning control to the user program. Finally, we have to advance the program counter to the next instruction, so that the syscall instruction will not be repeated. This is done by incrementing the tf_epc field of the trapframe.

The user-level side of a system call

Ok, so that's what happens on the OS side when a system call occurs. Now let's look at the user level interface to system calls. Most of this will be encapsulated in C library functions.

src/lib/libc/: This is the user-level C library. There's obviously a lot of code here. We don't expect you to read it all, although it may be instructive in the long run to do so. Job interviewers have an uncanny habit of asking people to implement standard C library functions on the whiteboard. For present purposes you need only look at the code that implements the user-level side of system calls, which we detail below.

errno.c: This is where the global variable errno is defined. Note that this variable is a global within a user-level C program. You cannot set errno for a user-level program by setting a variable named "errno" in the kernel.

syscalls-mips.S: This file contains the machine-dependent code necessary for implementing the user-level side of MIPS system calls. It consists of a C pre-processor "define" that declares the body of each system call. The body of each system call is identical, except that a different system call number "num" is used. This body simply loads the system call number (as defined in callno.h) into register v0 and then jumps to the code common to all system calls at the __syscall label. (Compare this with the OS side where the system call number is extracted from the "tf_v0" field of the trapframe).

You may notice that it looks like the code jumps to the __syscall label before setting the system call number. This is just a peculiarlity of the MIPS architecture -- the instruction immediately following a branch is called a "delay slot" which means that an instruction can be scheduled and executed during a branch. Such instructions appear immediately after the branch instruction itself. Thus, the "addiu v0, $0, SYS_##sym" happens before we get to the common syscall code at the label __syscall. Try not to be too disturbed by this.

Look now at the assembly code at the __syscall label.

The common system call code begins with the syscall instruction, which causes a "system call exception" and transfers control to the OS as outlined above. The "tf_epc" field in the trapframe on the OS side points to this instruction, and we finish our system call handler by setting "tf_epc" to the next instruction, so on return from the system call we execute the "beq" instruction. This instruction tests if the system call failed or succeeded (recall the system side sets "tf_a3" to 1 on error, and 0 on success). If an error occurred, we take the error code from the v0 register and store it into the global variable errno, and set the return value of the system call (the v0 register) to "-1". If no error occurred, then the OS put the result of the system call into "tf_v0" and we can just return.

syscalls.S: This file is created from syscalls-mips.S at compile time and is the actual file assembled into the C library. The actual names of the system calls are placed in this file using a script called callno-parse.sh that reads them from the kernel's header files. This avoids having to make a second list of the system calls. In a real system, typically each system call stub is placed in its own source file, to allow selectively linking them in. OS/161 puts them all together to simplify the makefiles. Adding new entries to callno.h automatically causes new user-level system call procedures to be defined when you re-build the user-level code. Each "SYSCALL(name,num)" macro statement in this file is expanded by the C pre-processor into a declaration of the appropriate system call function.

src/include/unistd.h: The file include/unistd.h contains the user-level interface definition of the system calls for OS/161 (including ones you will implement in later assignments). The only thing you need to do to complete the user-level system call interface is declare prototypes for your new system calls in unistd.h. Everything else (on the user side) happens automatically when you re-build after updating callno.h.

Note that the user-level interface defined in unistd.h is different from that of the kernel functions that you will define to implement these calls. You need to declare the kernel functions in kern/include/syscall.h.

Testing new system calls

To test your new system calls, add new test programs to src/testbin. Use the existing programs as a template. As an example, you could use the following program to test the "helloworld()" system call:

#include <unistd.h>

int main()
	return 0;