.. cs795_fall18 documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Aug 10 10:16:32 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================================================== CS795: Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing--Fall18 ================================================================== .. sidebar:: Announcements * 12/19/18: Happy Holidays! * 12/06/18: `Project Final Report instructions <./projects.html#project-final-report>`_ out. * 12/06/18: Lecture 10 is posted. * 12/02/18: Optional readings for 12/5 class are posted * 12/01/18: Optional readings for 11/28 class are updated * 11/29/18: Lecture 9 is posted. * 11/06/18: Final presentation schedule is updated. * 11/06/18: Optional readings for 11/7 class are posted. * 10/31/18: Lecture 7 is posted. * `Older announcements <./old_announcements.html>`_ Welcome to the graduate course on Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing. This course introduces you to an exciting range of materials in this broad and hugely important field, including the fundamentals of distributed systems, memory-driven computing, container clouds, serverless computing, systems support of distributed machine (deep) learning, massive-scale cloud storage, big data foundation, and a wide range of other important techniques and case studies about this fascinating area of study. Lecture Info --------------- * Instructor: `Yue Cheng `_ * Meeting time: W 4:30 pm - 7:10 pm * Location: Peterson Hall 1113 * Email: `yuecheng _AT_ gmu.edu `_ .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: info sched paper_list assignments projects