imshow(I); Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 17% > In imuitools/private/initSize at 90 In imshow at 234 I1 = I(1000:1200,1600:1900,:); figure, imshow(I1); I2 = I1(43:53,37:47,:); I2 I2(:,:,1) = 117 118 121 126 126 107 72 57 66 70 72 115 118 123 129 129 103 73 64 71 67 67 116 120 126 129 132 100 72 67 73 66 65 117 121 121 123 124 105 69 58 69 65 62 117 118 117 121 123 105 72 58 62 60 61 119 114 115 124 127 98 74 63 61 59 63 122 113 113 119 119 97 71 62 65 68 69 124 119 115 123 120 99 70 61 71 69 67 117 122 119 122 126 100 71 55 62 68 67 104 104 109 114 113 90 77 64 62 68 70 96 92 99 102 99 79 71 64 62 66 70 I2(:,:,2) = 118 116 119 124 123 104 69 53 62 70 72 116 116 121 125 124 98 68 60 67 68 68 117 118 122 125 124 95 67 63 69 67 66 118 119 118 119 119 100 64 57 68 68 65 118 116 114 118 120 102 69 57 61 62 63 117 115 115 124 127 99 75 64 62 61 65 120 114 113 121 120 100 74 63 66 70 71 122 120 115 123 120 100 71 62 72 71 69 118 123 119 124 128 101 72 56 63 70 69 105 107 111 116 114 91 78 65 63 70 72 99 95 101 106 102 82 74 67 65 67 71 I2(:,:,3) = 102 101 107 112 116 97 64 50 59 62 64 100 101 109 116 120 94 65 57 64 60 60 101 105 111 116 121 91 64 60 66 59 58 104 106 109 110 115 96 61 53 64 59 56 104 103 105 109 113 97 64 52 56 51 52 104 101 105 114 119 93 69 58 56 50 54 105 100 101 108 112 91 67 57 60 59 60 109 106 103 111 110 92 63 54 64 58 56 102 109 107 111 117 93 64 48 55 59 58 89 90 98 103 106 83 72 59 57 59 61 80 78 87 92 93 73 67 60 58 59 63 imshow(I2(:,:,1); ??? imshow(I2(:,:,1); | Error: Unbalanced or unexpected parenthesis or bracket. imshow(I2(:,:,1)); imshow(I1(:,:,1)); figure, subplot(2,2,1); imshow(I2); subplot(2,2,2); imshow(I2(:,:,1)); subplot(2,2,3); imshow(I2(:,:,2)); subplot(2,2,4); imshow(I2(:,:,3)); Ig = rgb2gray(I2); max(I2) ans(:,:,1) = 124 122 126 129 132 107 77 67 73 70 72 ans(:,:,2) = 122 123 122 125 128 104 78 67 72 71 72 ans(:,:,3) = 109 109 111 116 121 97 72 60 66 62 64 max(max(I2)) ans(:,:,1) = 132 ans(:,:,2) = 128 ans(:,:,3) = 121 median(median(Ig)) ans = 99 figure, imshow(Ig > 99); Ig = rgb2gray(I1); median(median(Ig)) ans = 67 figure, imshow(Ig > 67); I3 = Ig>67; imshow(Ig*I3) ??? Error using ==> mtimes Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles. imshow(Ig*double(I3)) ??? Error using ==> mtimes Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles. imshow(double(Ig)*double(I3)) ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree. imshow(double(Ig).*double(I3)) figure, imshow(double(Ig).*double(I3)) ind = find(I3 > 0); I2 = zeros(size(Ig)); I2(ind) = Ig(ind); I2 = uint8(I2); figure, imshow(I2); whos I1 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes I1 201x301x3 181503 uint8 I4 = zeros(size(I1)); whos I4 Name Size Bytes Class Attributes I4 201x301x3 1452024 double I4(ind) = I1(ind); I4(ind + 201*301) = I1(ind + 201*301); I4(ind + 2*201*301) = I1(ind + 2*201*301); I4 = uint8(I4); figure, imshow(I4); [M,N.K] = size(I1) M = 201 N = K: 903 [M,N,K] = size(I1) M = 201 N = 301 K = 3 diary off;